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Y/n Pov
"YOUR COMING WITH ME!" His voice roared over the loud music that filled the club. Looking at him with wide eyes without being able to utter a single word, he yanked me up and wrapped his arm around my waist tightly. Trying my hardest to push him away it didnt work since his grip on my waist  just got tighter making me wince in pain. "Y-Y/n?!" Yoongi and Taehyung both exclaimed while standing up. Seeing that Jungkook finally woke up and looked around, once his eyes landed on me they widened as he saw Jongin pulling me further away from where they were. "J-Jungkook!" I yelled, quickly standing up from the table he ran towards me, pushing his way through the crowd before finally grabbing my hand, pulling me out of Jongins grasp.

Holding me protectively in his arms with my head against his chest, Jongin turned around and now  was looking at Jungkook who held me close. "You again... ARE YOU THE ONE THAT Y/N MOVED ON TO!?" I looked up at Jungkook and he stood there not saying a single word. "IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY THEN GET OUT OF THE WAY. SHES MINE!" About to take a step towards us he stopped in his tracks once Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung stood in front of us. "We dont know who the hell you are.. but you are not going anywhere closer to her" Namjoon spoke while they all held their ground. Jongin scoffed while crossing his arms "Y/n, you better fucking come here.... or I'll force my way through whoever the fuck these people are" sending shivers down my spine I didnt know what to do... I didnt want any of them to get hurt because of me.  About to walk my way towards him Jungkook gripped onto my hand "wait".

Looking up at him confused, suddenly I heard a loud thud... looking over to where Jongin was once standing straight, he was now unconscious on the ground while Hoseok stood behind him holding a shattered glass bottle. "O-Oh my god! I-I did it!" Hoseok exclaimed not believing what he had did. Guards rushed in and looked around before taking Jongin out. "Y-Y/n!?! where are you!?" Seeing Jihoon run up to me he placed his hands on my shoulders and scanned me "A-Are you alright?! he didnt do anything to you right?!" I shook my head and felt Jungkook hold my hand tightly "Ani, Its alright Jihoon... Jungkook and the others were here" 

Looking up to meet Jungkook  eyes, he looked at me with a small smile before closing his eyes and passing out. Jihoon caught his body in time and we just looked at each other shocked "What happened?!" "Dont worry.. he should be fine, this usually happens when he drinks to much." Jin explained while walking away. "Y/n if its not a problem... could Jungkook stay over at your place for the night?  I dont think Taewoo would like seeing Jungkook drunk... I'll handle everything" Nodding Namjoon and the others said their goodbyes before going their separate ways. "Lets get him in the car" 

(At Home) 

Opening the door, Jihoon helped me bring Jungkook into my apartment. "Arasseo, Y/n.. I'll come by tomorrow to check up on you okay? dont do anything weird" he commented while wiggling his brows. "Yah! I wouldnt do that!" Jihoon left and now I was left alone with a passed out Jungkook on the couch. "I should really move him to the bedroom..." Using all my strength to lift him up I wrapped his arms around my shoulders and began to drag him towards my bedroom where I laid him onto my bed. 

Seeing that he was still in his outside clothes I went into my closet and pulled out some oversized sweatpants and a white shirt for him to wear.. (B-But how do I change him... OMG!!!) Quickly calling the only person I know would help, Jihoon soon walked in and smiled "Hmmm.. so you want me to change him?? why not you???" Handing him the clothes I stood there as I watched Jihoon try to take Jungkook  out of his clothes "Hey how about instead of standing there you help me sit him up so I could change him?" 

Sighing I walked over and sat Jungkook up while Jihoon pulled his shirt off revealing his tone upper body which caused me to shut my eyes and look away "Waahhh~ Y/n look!!!" Jihoon continued to tempt me but I just looked away while my face was a blushing mess. After a few minutes Jihoon stood up "Aight, im done! goodnight!" without letting me speak I heard the front door close. Sighing in relief that he was done, I grabbed my shorts and a baggy shirt and changed into them. Walking out of the washroom I noticed that Jungkook was sprawled across the bed making me giggle. Fixing his position I put a pillow in between the two of us and slid under the covers where I slowly drifted off to sleep. 

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