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Jungkook POV
"Your acting shy... but just a few minutes ago your eyes were telling me something else..." She whispered enough for me to hear. Staring deep into her lust filled eyes, my eyes trailed from her eyes down to her nose and ended on her lips... but it didnt stop there. Without realizing my vision kept on going down until I was now staring at her breasts that were still unfortunately covered by her bra. Gulping down I cleared my throat before turning away, I shouldnt even be acting this way... I've been waiting so long for this moment but right now Im a bit confused?

"Do you not want this...?" her voice was small but enough for me to hear, I looked at her with furrowed brows before returning the question "Are you sure YOU want this... I dont want you to feel pressured into doing this because im ready. I told you before that I want to go at your pace... to make sure then when this happens that both you and I are ready to take this step." The room fell silent until I felt her hand intertwine in mine, looking at her she sent me a small smile "I am ready..." After hearing those words I couldnt hold back, crashing my lips onto hers I cupped her face wanting to deepen the kiss even more. 

Catching her off guard, I could feel her tense up but a few moments after she melted into the kiss. Her soft lips against mine I ran my tongue over her bottom lip until in an instant our tongues were now dancing with each other (A/N: omg that sounds so weird but please go with it! LOL) Placing my hands on her waist I picked her up and laid her on the bed while I hovered on top of her not breaking the kiss. Continuing to kiss her I felt her suddenly tug on the end of my shirt and I knew all too well what that meant. 

He understood what I meant and broke the kiss before quickly stripping from his shirt revealing his toned abs and meaty chest (A/N: UGH I LIVE FOR A NICE LOOKING CHEST) I bit down on my lip before leaning up and grabbing the back of his neck pulling him into another kiss. He wrapped his strong arms around my body until I felt him unhook my bra from the back which caught me by surprise. (!?!!) Without letting me react he ripped my bra off of my and threw it to the ground before roughly groping and fondling me. "AH~" a soft moan escaped my lips causing him to stop and look at me with a small smirk. "That was cute... can I hear that again?" he questioned in a low voice almost sounding like a growl. 

I was about to decline until he massaged my breasts again, I bit down on my lower lip not wanting to moan. Jungkook removed his hand and slowly brought his mouth towards my breasts before running his tongue over my already erect nipples before sucking on them. (A/N: AHHHH OMG) I ran my hand through his scalp before tugging on his hair while a moan escaped my mouth again causing him to be more rough. 

"J-Jungkook~" I moaned while puling his hair making him pull away from my breasts. I was about to say something until he smiled "Shh baby girl... let me take care of you. Just relax" He placed his hands on the ends of my shorts before stopping to look at me asking for my permission. I slightly nodded and with just that small nod he quickly pulled my shorts off but stopped and stared at me..... not my face but down at my intimate area. "S-Stop looking...." I quickly spoke while closing my legs, a low chuckle escaped his mouth before placing his hands on my knees. I looked at him confused until he quickly opened my legs and placed his thumb right on my clit before making small circular motions. Moans escaping my mouth and he rubbed me, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter with his every touch. 

"Your so wet." I looked down as he slid my panties off revealing the now wet undergarment. "I-Its your fault!" I chimed while looking at him with a small pout. 

"Its my fault?? Arasseo

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"Its my fault?? Arasseo... I'll take responsibility for everything that happens tonight baby girl" Feelings my cheeks flush mad red after hearing him say baby girl I was thinking of a comeback but before I could even think I felt him begin to rub me again. "JUNGKOOK~" I yelped, while continuing to rub me he leaned over to place a small kiss on my lips "Are you ready??" he whispered, I looked him in the eyes and nodded before feeling him suddenly insert his fingers in me. "AHHH!~" I moaned out in pleasure. "Want more??" he whispered seductively, I couldnt help but nod at his words. "What do you want? Baby girl if you want something its better if you say it now" 

"I-I want you" Placing a kiss on my forehead he smiled and nodded before hopping off of me. I looked at him as he stripped out of all his clothes, he opened the side drawer of his desk and pulled a condom out before ripping it open and putting it on. (A/N: BECAUSE SAFETY FIRST) Making his way onto the bed and once again hovering over me he softly cupped my cheek "Are you ready?" Wrapping my arms around his neck I nodded "Be gentle..." he lowered his body onto mine and soon I felt like large erected member enter me (A/N: BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW THAT JUNGKOOK IS PACKING) Feeling my breath hitch I gripped around him tighter with the pain I felt "Ah~ Y/n... dont clench so hard~" he moaned into my ear while slowly thrusting into me. "M-Mianhe..." He continued to slowly thrust and soon the pain that I felt melted away and all I felt was pleasure. "F-Faster" I stuttered out and within a split second he began to thrust faster into me causing me to moan loudly. 

As he continued to thrust he lifted his torso up letting my hands fall to my sides while his began to roam around my naked body. "Fuck~" he cursed under his breathe as our eyes made contact with each other. "Flip." were the only words that came out of his mouth, and before I knew it he picked me up and flipped me onto my stomach. Without letting me react his member penetrated into me and he began to thrust. The room was hot and filled with only the sounds of our moans and our skin slapping. 

Things began to get rougher, my heart rate getting higher as each of his thrusts began to get sloppy. I knew we were both reaching our climax but I just didnt want it to end.. I wanted to keep going... but obviously that would be too much for him to handle. "Faster Kook.... f-fu-" "I-Im almost there~" his low airy voice whispered. After a few more hard sloppy thrusts he stopped and quickly leaned into my chest while becoming a moaning mess. After catching our breaths he climaxed and soon after we cleaned ourselves up before getting under the covers.

My head resting on his chest while his arm protectively wrapped around me. We laid in silence just enjoying each others company and mood... until he spoke up ruining the whole thing...

"Sooo..... about what happened" 


"What? dont want to talk about what we did?"


"Really n/n????"


"You were pretty soaked down there if I do say so mys-"

"Jeon Jungkook shut your mouth..."






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