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Shortly after Jimin and the others left, Jihoon went back to his apartment leaving me alone to think. Sitting in silence I felt my stomach grumble (right... i didnt even eat anything today...) getting up from the couch I threw on a hoodie before grabbing my phone, keys and wallet then leaving my apartment. Leaving my apartment building and walking down the street I grabbed some quick street food and made my way to the park. 

Finding an spot in an open field I sat myself down and opened the plastic bag taking the food out to eat. While eating and being deep in my thoughts I heard my name being called from the distance. Looking around the park I didnt recognize anyone... wondering who it was I just shrugged it off and ignored them until I felt a presence beside me. Glancing to the side my eyes slightly widened to who was beside me..

Jungkook POV
Making my way to her apartment I parked my car and got out... i hesitated at first to enter the building since I didnt want to run into Minji but I took a deep breath and marched my way in. Taking the stairs I made it to her floor and ran to the front door desperately knocking wanting her to answer. But no one answered, I continued to knock while calling out her name "Y/n! P-Please answer the door! I-Im sorry.. please... I didnt meant to ig-" "Shes not home.." turning to see Jihoon leaning against the wall with his arms crossed I stepped away from the door and walked towards the male. "Do you know where she is???" he nodded but eyed me "what makes you think that I'll tell you where she is though?" 

"Jihoon please.. I know I've been ignoring her for how long, but I-I didnt mean to hurt her in the process. I just needed time to think, time to figure out what to do with Minji-" "Figure out what to do with Minji? that shouldnt even be a thing for you. You told us that you would never get back together with her, that you would never accept her again. SO her showing up out of the blue shouldnt even phase you! Your with Y/n now and thats all that matters.. Shes your girlfriend. The one who you should be ignoring is Minji.. NOT Y/n." before i could even reply to what he had said he took his leave. (FUCK!) I thought while slamming my fist on the wall angry with myself. Every word that came out of his mouth was right... and i hated myself for it. 

Quickly leaving the apartment building I ran down the streets asking multiple people if they had seen her... and that led me to the park. Running around while calling her name I just couldnt stop. I needed to find her and figure out what happened... "Y/n!!" I yelled out but no response, I only got stared at by other couples or families. "Y/n!!!" I called out again, in the corner of my eye I saw a figure sitting down in a field eating....  I knew it was her. Slowly walking up I just sat down beside her until she stopped eating and looked at me with wide eyes.. "Jungkook??.. w-what are you d-" "Im sorry... Im sorry for everything. For cutting our dates short, for ignoring all your calls, for not texting you back, for everything! I-I know that everything I did was stupid. And i finally realized that once I had someone talk some sense into me. I shouldnt have been ignoring you... I should have been ignoring the whole Minji thing instead..." She looked at me with pursed lips, but using my right hand I reached up and pushed some strands of hair back only to see her cheek red and swollen. 

"W-What happened.... w-who did thi-" She lightly pushed my hand away before getting up to leave. "Y-Y/n...." I softly called out to her but she ignored me, deciding to follow after her we walked al the way back to apartment without another word leaving our mouths. Walking through the lobby and entering the elevator we went up to her floor. I coudlnt help but just stare.... its been awhile since I last saw her. (Was she always this small??) I thought with furrowed brows, feeling the elevator stop, we both walked out and I continued to follow her until we were now in front of her door. She grabbed the doorknob before turning back to look at me, about to open her mouth to say something.... 


Feeling every muscle in my body stiffen up, I still focused my attention on Y/n. Her facial expression saddened before footsteps neared the two of us. Feeling the person link their arm with mine I quickly pulled away. "Oh Y/n?? were you two in the middle of talking?" her voice and very existence was torture to me right now. Looking between Minji and Y/n I couldnt help but notice Y/n begin to feel uncomfortable, she avoided all eye contact with Minji. Eyes kept in the ground while she fiddled with her fingers. (Something feels off....) While Y/n avoided all contact, Minji on the other hand felt a bit overbearing, even though im standing right here its seems as if Minji is just focused on her, she continued to question Y/n, as if she was driving her prey into the corner. "S-Stop..." Y/n spoke up as she gripped the ends of her sweater, I glanced over at Minji and saw a sinister look on her face while she smirked. Standing in front of Y/n, Minjis expression quickly changed before looking at me innocently.

"You did something to her didnt you..." I bluntly commented causing Minji to raise a brow. "Jungkook.. you really think I would do something to your friend-" "Girlfriend... shes my girlfriend." As we continued to stare at each other I felt Y/n tug on my shirt "K-Kook, l-lets go..." she unlocked her door and without letting Minji utter another word we left into Y/ns apartment, leaving Minji in the hallway.

As Y/n locked the door, I watched as she suddenly became distraught... pacing back and forth, biting on her nail while her breathing became unstable. Walking up to her and grabbing her by the shoulders to stop I spoke up "Whats wrong... w-what happened.. Y/n I know I havent been the best boyfriend to you lately because of whats been happening but please, Im here now. Talk to me... did Minji do something to you??" She looked up at me with eyes filled with fear and sadness but she nodded in response to what I said. "What did she do???" 

(Time Skip~ brought to you by your lazy author-nim) 

We just sat there in silence, after Y/n explained everything to me I was left speechless. After all my years of knowing Minji I didnt think she was the type to do that. But after hearing what Y/n said along with what my hyungs told me earlier I believe every single part of the story. Rage was all I felt, my blood was boiling and I just wanted to go to her apartment and throw her out the window. Sighing while running my hands through my hair, I felt Y/n place her hand on my thigh... I looked at her before quickly wrapping my arms around her small body, feeling her rest her head on my shoulder I felt like I was able to breathe properly.

 "Listen to me... forget about everything she had said to you. Im not going out with you just to forget about her, im dating you because I genuinely have feelings for you. If the whole engagement thing that she mentioned is bothering you, I will go up to her the next time we see her and break everything off for good. I will let her know that you are the one I want to be with not her...-"

"-That she is my past while your my present and future."

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