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Its been a few days since I spotted Minji the day when I was out with Jihoon and Mingyu. I havent seen her lately but I heard from Mingyu that there was a strange woman who was sitting in her car at the front of the school just staring.. but whats even more weird was that he said when I walked out she would drive off. I didnt want to assume it was Minji but deep down I knew it was her... sitting in class while the students were eating their lunch I heard the intercom go off and someone speaking into it. "Can Miss Min please come to the office please?" the students stopped what they were doing to turn to me. "Miss Y/n?? are you introuble?" James and JB both asked in unison. I shrugged my shoulder but reassured them that I would be back in just a few minutes. 

Exiting my classroom I had the teacher next door watch over my students. Entering the office I saw the principal pointing to a vacant room down the hallway, entering I saw Jihoon pacing back and forth until he stopped and quickly ran to me. Grabbing my wrist and leading me to the window he peeked from behind the blinds before speaking "Shes there..." Eyes widening I quickly looked through the blinds to clearly see Minji standing there, leaning against a tree while staring at the school building. "What the hell is she doing here?" I questioned, suddenly seeing Minji look in our direction we took a step back, after a few seconds passed we looked again to only see her rush into her car and drive away. "You need to call Jungkook..." he commented while crossing his arms. I shook  my head not wanting to bother him but also because Minji hasnt done anything that would need Jungkooks attention. 

"I cant do that..." he looked at me as if I was crazy "why?! shes been standing there for the past 3 days Y/n! somethings up!" "Jihoon I know! but I cant disturb Jungkook. Plus she hasnt done anything that requires his attention. I mean she has a restraining order so she knows she cant come inside... if she does that then obviously I would do something." Jihoon sighed while taking a seat in an open chair. "This is so weird... do you think shes planning something?? I mean she did follow you that day we all went for dinner.." Leaning against the wall I sighed "Im not too sure Jihoon...  Anyways I better head back to class. But before you leave let the principal know about her restraining order so he keeps an eye on her." We both left the room and while he talked to the principal I made my way back to the classroom. 

Time Skip~ (End of School) 

Once the students all left I grabbed my things and looked over to Taewoo who was putting his backpack on "Taewoo??" he looked at me with big doe eyes "Your appa told me that hes going to be stuck at work, so you're going to spend the day with me and uncle Jihoon okay?" he smiled brightly before running up to me and grabbing my hand. "Really?! where are we going to go?!" I was going to respond until I heard Jihoon speak form behind "-Well Taewoo, we should be asking you that instead! Where do you want to go?" he brought his small index finger to his chin thinking hard about where to go until he finally answered "Indoor playground??" he questioned while looked at us. 

We chuckled at his cuteness and nodded before heading out of the school in getting into Jihoons car. Using the GPS to get to the indoor playground it took us about 15 minutes to get there, finally arriving we got out of the car and entered. Paying for the entry we had to take off our shoes and wear wristbands so the workers there knew that we paid at the front. Turning the corner Taewoo along with Jihoon and I were amazed with how HUGE it was. This was like a kids playground paradise! 

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