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(Time Skip~ 2 years later)

Jungkook POV
"How about this one hyung??" I questioned while showing him a picture of something. He squinted his eyes a bit before shaking his head "Ani.. I dont think thats the one.. Anyways Kook why dont we go there in person so you could personally look at it instead of looking at picture... Dont you think that would be better?" "Yeah Namjoon is right, what if you order that but when it comes in it looks totally different. You dont want that.." 

"You're right hyung... well since you told me that I might as well go right now" they both looked at me with wide eyes before standing up "W-We'll go with you!" they both said in unison making me simply nod. Since Taewoo was in the middle of school I didnt have to worry about anything, arriving at the mall and walking through the crowded building I found the store that I wanted to go to and made my way there with Jin and Namjoon hyung since I would be needing their opinion on what I would be buying. 

"Welcome, is there anything that your looking for??" the stores clerk questioned while nearing me. Nodding I told him what I was looking for and he smiled while showing me a wide selection for me to choose from. "Remember Kook.. its a once in a life time thing. But that doesnt mean you have to drop like thousands of dollars for it. As long as you know that she will love it then thats all that matters" "Ne, you dont want to break your bank because of this.. remember there are other things that you could use that money for since there will be a lot of planning that will be happening" 

"Well.. you're not wrong hyung, but thats only if she says yes" 

"Make sure you all finish the homework I assigned for you tonight since I will be collecting them tomorrow morning okay?" "Ne Miss Y/n!!!" letting them go since it was the end of the day I smiled while sitting myself down behind my desk. I cant believe two years had already gone by.. and I basically watched the majority of these kids grow since Kindergarten. "Miss Y/n??" hearing a soft voice call out to me, looking at Taewoo as he sat in his desk with his backpack on his desk I sent him a small smile.

"Is everything okay Taewoo??" I questioned once seeing him fiddle with his fingers. I could see that he obviously wanted to tell me something but he shook his head. I was going to ask him what was wrong until we both heard knocking, turning and seeing Hosoek and Jimin walking in. Greeting each other with hugs they asked how everything was and I told them that it was good. "Alright Taewoo, lets go home now?? Your dad told us to get you home right away" with the younger nodding he grabbed his bag before joining them. "Bye Miss Y/n~" he cooed while sending me a sweet smile as I waved him goodbye. 

Now that I was by myself I couldnt help but think about how much Taewoo had grown since I first met him. He was smart for his age.. a bit too smart for his age, but I guess Namjoon had been teaching him out of school too. Honestly the more that I think about it, it seemed like Taewoo had slowly picked up some traits from Jungkooks hyungs. He of course looked like his father that was a given.. he had Namjoons brains, Jins confidence, Yoongis laziness, Hoseoks brightness, Jimins habit of complaining in a baby voice.. but also Taehyungs ability to get along with anyone he meets. 

Glancing over at the clock I decided to stay back a bit longer to mark more tests and homework. About 2-3 hours passed by and I heard knocking from the door, turning and seeing Mingyu along with Jihoon standing there, Jihoon acted out himself eating and I knew what he meant. Nodding my head, I packed all my things and left the school with both Mingyu and Jihoon by my side. "So how are things with Jungkook? Are you exc-" before Mingyu could finish his sentence Jihoon cut him off. "Where should we eat?" (???) "Uhmm... why dont we order pizza? I kinda just want to relax.." 

Agreeing with my idea we went to Mingyus house since it was the closest. Waiting for the pizza we began to talk Mingyu and his love life. "So how did your date go last weekend with that girl you told us about?" He shook his head "I-I dont really want to talk about it.." "Hmm?? why?? did something happen?" Mingyu was about to respond until Jihoon chuckled "He got catfished." 

"NO. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! oh god Mingyu spill the tea..." Mingyu glared at Jihoon who continued to laugh while I just sat there waiting for him to tell me the whole story which he did. "Well I told you guys that we were talking and we decided to meet up for dinner... Nothing too fancy since she wanted to just get some drinks and street food which I wasnt opposed to. So while I was waiting I heard a mans voice calling out my name... then he walked up to me and linked arms with mine. I literally looked at him confused and asked who he was and he told me that he was the one I had been talking to... I WANTED TO PICK UP THAT MIDGET AND JUST THROW HIM LIKE A JAVELIN... I WAS SO EMBARRASSED" 

Not being able to keep in my laughter I leaned against Jihoon while the both of us laughed. "THATS WHY YOU CANT TRUST DATING APPS!" Jihoon chimed while smacking Mingyus arm. "Yah! I didnt know! I was genuinely curious as to what she looked like! I didnt expect it to be some short middle aged man!" "This is why I prefer to meet people in person not through social media and all of that."  

With the rest of our night filled with laughter there was soon knocking at the door. "Oh? Mingyu were you expecting visitors?" both Jihoon and I questioned the taller male but he jsut simply shook his head. The knocking continued so we all decided to check it out since we were all curious as to who it was. Quietly nearing the door Mingyu looked through the peephole before chuckling "Its just my friend." Unlocking the door as Jihoon and I took a step back we watched as a tall figure walk into the house greeting Mingyu. "Yo! Mingyu! how are you??" "Hyung! its been awhile" but while the two figures hugged it out I realized who it was and my eyes widened. 

"Sungmin oppa??"




(A/N: Hello Eveyone! I just wanted to say that with how busy I am lately with my side job I wont be able to post when I want to, but thats why I will be having my friend post the new chapters for me! :) So you can expect a new chapter for this book ever 2-3 days! <3 Thank you so much for your continued support and I will talk to you all soon!) 

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