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Time Skip~ (3 months later)

Its been a while huh?? well what happened within the three months that passed? Well the police ended up finding Jongin and Minji... how? well lets g back just a few weeks ago..

(3 weeks ago)

"Have you been receiving those threats still??" Jihoon questioned while I was currently in my classroom. I sighed while putting my pen down from marking a few tests, "Ne.. I went to my apartment just the other day to pick up some stuff and saw a bunch of letters inside my apartment in front of the door... Of course I didnt read them... I brought them to the police first." Jihoon was just about to say something until my phone went off and I saw it was from the police station. Eyes widening while accepting the call I held my phone to my ear and heard the voice of one of the officers. "Miss Min, please come to the police station... this is urgent." Putting my phone down and rushing out of the school I got into my car and drove off. 

Once I pulled up to the station I got out and entered the large building where one of the workers escorted me to the very back office where the chief officer Shin Dongho was waiting for me. Entering the office the worker closed the door behind me, leaving me and Dongho alone. "We caught Minji and Jongin...." Shocked with his words I was left speechless while he got up and opened the door. "They are currently in separate interrogation rooms... we havent questioned them since we thought it would be best for you to be here to witness their statements." 

Following the older male own the hallway and into a small room where I was now standing behind a one-way mirror. On the other side of the glass was Minji who sat there with her arms cuffed. Dongho suddenly spoke to someone on his phone and a few seconds later a male entered the interrogation room. After a few questions and of course yelling from Minji they decided to end the conversation and move onto Jongin. Moving to the other room where Jongin was, the male began to interrogate him but instead of Jongin looking at the male.. he kept on looking at our direction before suddenly speaking. "Thats a one-way mirror right?? I've seen a lot of interrogation scenes from movies. I know theres someone behind there.. is it by chance Y/n??" Hearing him say my name left a bad taste in my mouth.

"Y/n~ baby~ I know you still love me... why dont you help me get out of here okay? you know how much I love you right?? I would never do anything to hurt you." scrunching my face at his words I suddenly saw Jongin stand up before running straight to the mirror and banging on it with his hands. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE Y/N! I KNOW YOUR IN THERE! I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE! YOU WERE MINE FROM THE START AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MINE! NO ONE ELSE!! NO ONE WILL LOVE YOU! ONLY ME!!"


"SO whats going to happen to them...." I questioned Officer Dongho while he escorted me out the building to my car. "Well they havent really told the truth about if they sent those letters... Until then we will be keeping them here." Nodding my head and thanking him I got into my car and sat there while heaving a heavy sigh. "I really hope they get what they deserve...." I mumbled to myself before starting my car and driving home. 

(Present Time)

 After that I got a call a few days after and was told that Jongin couldnt take it anymore and so he told the truth about the letters and that Minji was the one behind it all. She was wanting to get rid of me so she could go back to Jungkook and Taewoo. Because Jongin told the truth he was able to reduce jail time for only 7 years while Minji would be serving 12. I wasnt surprised when I found out but I was happy they were able to get the truth out and lock them up. I was expecting at least to be kidnapped before they got caught but that didnt happen either. But looking at it now been almost a year since I met Jungkook and its going to be a year since we started dating.. (Well in about 4 more months to be exact....) 

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