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Morning arrived and with the sun hitting my face through to curtains I woke up and slowly slipped out of bed so Jungkook wouldnt wake up. Walking over to my closet I grabbed some clothes and got dressed. (I'll ask Jungkook if we could go out... like a mini date) Making my way to the washroom I took a shower and threw my clothes on. 

After applying some makeup and brushing my hair I heard slight groaning coming from behind

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After applying some makeup and brushing my hair I heard slight groaning coming from behind. Looking at the reflection of my vanity mirror I saw a very sleepy and half awake Jungkook sit up while rubbing his eyes. Turning I looked at him as he slowly opened his eyes to look around the room. Watching as he finally locked eyes on me he smiled sleepily (oof. too cute...) I thought as I smiled at him. "Good morning..." he spoke with his raspy voice (woah...) "Good morning, you should go wash up. I was maybe thinking that we could go out for breakfast? maybe go on a little date after?". Pushing the blankets off of him he stood up and dragged his feet towards me before grabbing my arm and pulling me up into a hug. "Okay~" Sending him to the washroom to shower I walked into my closet and pulled out a small box that had some mens clothes. I looked at them and smiled (These were originally supposed to go to Jihoon but I got him a few sizes too big, so i guess its Jungkooks now) I thought with a small chuckle. Slowly opening the washroom door I quickly placed the clothes on the counter and left. 

After a few minutes of waiting I heard the washroom door unlock and out came Jungkook wearing the clothes I had given him. 

He walked over to the mirror on the wall and checked himself out

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He walked over to the mirror on the wall and checked himself out. "Are these Jihoons?" he questioned while fixing how he looked. I shook my head "Ani, those are yours" he shifted his attention to me and smiled "Really?? thanks, I really like it... I didnt say it earlier since I was half awake but getting a good look at you now... you look.. cute~" he cooed making me laugh. "Alright Mr.Jeon lets get going" grabbing my bag and keys I dragged him out of the apartment and now we were walking down the streets. 

"Shall we go back to the school? I remembered that I left my car parked there" nodding at his words we made our way to the school and hopped into his car. "So where to first?" he asked while turning on the car, "hmmm... well its still really early, so we might as well go get something to eat." "Oh I know a great pancake place thats near my office building. Why dont we go there?" 

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