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Time Skip~ (1 week later) 

Y/n Pov
Its been a week since the dinner at Jungkooks place. Sitting at my desk marking some tests I couldnt help but think about what happened after the dinner, what I did and what Jungkook said at the end of the night in his car... (Otteoke!////)

Flashback (Jungkooks house)

Continuing to wash the dishes with Jimin helping beside me he sparked up some conversation so it would be less awkward. "So what do you think of our maknae?" he whispered only for me to hear. Turning to Jimin I raised a brow "what do you mean by that?" Jimin chuckled while taking a plate from my hands to dry with a towel "You know what I mean, you obviously have feelings for him. I mean its probably not obvious to the others but nothing can get passed me" Laughing at his words I shrugged "Well I would tell you but you might tell Jungkook". He shook his head "Ani~ I wouldnt do that. C'mon Y/n~ tell me~ I wont tell a single soul"  he pouted while doing aegyo.

"Promise?" he sent me a bright smile and nodded. Quickly glancing at the others who were in the living room relaxing I looked at Jungkook who was talking to his hyungs and smiled to myself. "Well I do like Jungkook.. I really do. But its hard for me to truly commit." Jimin looked at me a bit saddened with what I said and proceeded to ask "Do you mind if I ask why?? If your not comfortable with telling me thats alright" I shook my head and sent him  a reassuring smile. "Its just that.. Jungkook probably told you about my crazy ex Jongin. Because of how things ended between the two of us I just found it hard to find someone who would truly love me for who I am. Your probably going to say that Jungkook isnt that type of person and I believe you... Jungkook is so sweet, kind, caring and makes me feel special but I just dont want to be left heartbroken again... I dont want to have such high hopes just for it to be broken and beat." 

Heaving a heavy sigh I felt Jimin place his hand on my shoulder, meeting eyes with him he nodded "I see... Jungkook mentioned to us that he told you about Minji his ex fiance right? I think its safe to say that Jungkook felt that same way as you do right now, but its been so long since Minji decided to leave. I know you both arent experiencing the exact same thing, and im not trying to be like a wing-man here and such but ever since Jungkook met you everything for him changed. Hes been so happy lately, always excited to drop and pick up Taewoo from school because he knows that he would get a chance to see you. Hes been smiling way more than before, heck even more than when he was with Minji. Y/n I know you said that you dont want to be left heartbroken again but Jungkook would treasure you with all his heart. He will do everything that he can to always keep you smiling. I think you should give him a chance." (really????) 

Taking a few moments to think of what Jimin said I had a strange feeling as if I felt someone staring at me, looking towards the living room I caught Jungkook looking my way but instead of avoiding his gaze I sent him a warm smile. Turning back and finishing the last plates I dried my hands and leaned against the kitchen counter, "You know what Jimin... I think I should give him a chance" Jimin nodded while giving me a thumbs up. "go for it! Fighting!~" before making our way back to the living room we quickly exchanged numbers. Meeting with the others I looked down at my watch and realized that it was almost 10pm. (Oh no.. I need to go home... its already so late..) I thought while turning to grab my purse. "Oh heading out already Y/n-ssi?" Taehyung questioned and I nodded "Ne its already getting late and I still have some tests to mark" having them all get up and walk me to the door, they each hugged me one by one and waved goodbye.

"Key Kook why dont you drive her home? its already late and I dont think she would be able to hail a cab at this hour" Hoseok commented, Jungkook nodded while grabbing his jacket and keys before turning to his hyungs "Keep an eye on Taewoo" they all chuckled and nodded before Jin gave Jungkook a little push out the doors. Now walking towards his car he unlocked it and opened the passenger door for me, thanking  him and hopping in the door closed and I watched as he jogged to the drivers side to get in. Starting the car and driving off in the direction of my apartment building he sparked up the conversation. "Did you enjoy the dinner??" smiling I nodded "Ne, it was nice to meet your hyungs again and talk to them properly". "Yeah, sorry if Jimin hyung said anything dumb when he was helping you clean up" I shook my head and laughed "Ani~ Jimin didnt say anything dumb, but he did give me some great advice." "Advice??? on what??" I put my index finger to my lips "Its a secret between me and Jimin" 

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