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Jungkook POV
It was now the next day and once everyone was off work we made our way towards Y/ns apartment building.... Entering the apartment building and taking the elevator to the designated floor, we got off and walked down the quiet hallways until we saw a door open and Minji step out with her purse in her hand while being all dressed up. Noticing our presence she turned looking at us before having a bright smile on her face. "KOOKIE!~" she chimed while running up to me before wrapping her arms around neck bringing me into a hug. Quickly pushing her away she awkwardly laughed before tucking away a strand of hair behind her ear.

"M-Mianhe... I got carried away.." she glanced over at the other members before turning to me "why are you all here??? are you here to see Y/n??" we shook our head before I spoke up "Im here to talk to you..." tilting her head to the side slightly she looked confused "talk to me? about what???" "About Y/n"

Raising a brow at me she scoffed while crossing her arms "Why do you want to talk to me about her? What did she even say to you the other ni-" "Stop telling others that were still engaged, you know very well that what we had was done the day you walked out on Taewoo and I. What makes you think your allowed to tell, not only my hyungs but my girlfriend that were still engaged and that im using her as a rebound to forget about you? Telling Y/n that the only person I would love is you.. are you crazy?" Her eyes widened before biting down on her lower lip trying to contain her nervousness. "I-I-" "I dont want to hear what excuse you have for what you said and done... especially for even laying your hand on Y/n. You may be the mother of Taewoo but I will never... NEVER let you anywhere near him, Y/n... or anyone else I care about-"

"But Jungkook, w-what I said was true! I-I know that somewhere deep down in your heart that you still love me. I know you wouldnt forget about me and move on that quickly... I know when I left you both I said that I wasnt ready but I was wrong. Ever since then I couldnt forget about you two, I love both you and Taewoo that I always thought about you-" "You say all that but yet you never came back. That just proves that you never cared about us..." "Jungkook please let me explain! There was a reason to why I couldnt go ba-"


"Appa?? Oh! OH!! guess what! Miss Y/n said she was going to bring me to the playground with Uncle Jihoon!"

Freezing in place I shot my head towards the voices and saw Y/n standing there along with Jihoon as they both held the small hands of Taewoo who was in the middle. Both knowing what was happening they were all going to leave until Minji spoke up "I-Is that him??" Staying silent while Y/n held Taewoos hand tightly in hers she looked down at the younger before softly speaking "Kaja... lets go to the park now.. Uncle Jihoon will treat you to some ice cream" Taewoo smiled brightly while turning away.

But suddenly Minji stormed her way towards them and before anyone could stop her she grabbed Taewoos hand puling him away before roughly pushing Y/n hard enough that she fell to the ground.(A/N: SHE NEEDS SOME MILK.)  Everyone was shocked at the scene that was playing out in front of us. Taewoo was in a state of shock and confusion as to what happened, not knowing the woman in front of him he began to squirm around trying to take her hand off of him.

After Minji pushed me to the ground I shot my head up and met eyes with Taewoo, he was scared of what was happening. "A-Appa... M-Miss Y-Y/n" he stuttered while trying to take Minjis hand off of him but she tightened her grip causing him to wince in pain before crying. My chest tightening at the sight in front of me I quickly stood up and ran towards them before snatching the young boy away from her and holding him in my arms. Now standing in front of the woman she sent me a dark glare "give him back to me..." I furrowed my brows, she reached out attempting to do something but I quickly stepped back.

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