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Y/n Pov
"S-Sure!" I answered while sending him a bright smile before questioning "Uhmm w-what time would you like me to come over??". He took a glance at his watch before answering "Well I was maybe thinking right now? Maybe you could help me prepare dinner??? U-UNLESS you want to come later on! S-So you have time to like shower and get ready!" Nodding I grabbed my bags "I'll go home right now and make my way to your place so I could help you. Is that alright?" he sent me a small smile and nodded. "N-Ne! I-Ill see you later then!" Jungkook then grabbed Taewoos hand and quickly left the classroom. But once he disappeared Jihoon soon came in with a smirk on his face. 

"Sooo~ dinner at Mr.Jeons place huh?" he commented making me look at him with a confused look. "Oh jeez Jihoon, were you eavesdropping? You know thats not appropriate" I replied making him laugh. "Hey I was just about to come see you and I just so happened to hear him ask you to dinner." Shaking my head I looked at him "Help me pick out an outfit?" he crossed his arms and chuckled "Of course" Grabbing my bags we both left the school and got into his car making our way back to our apartment building. 

Arriving at the apartment building, we took  the elevator and went to where my apartment room was. Entering and quickly rushing to my bedroom Jihoon went straight to my closet and picked out some clothes before handing it to me while pushing me to the washroom. "Make sure you shower, your not going to get laid if you smell like sweat" "Y-Yah! I-I wasnt planning on getting laid tonight Jihoon!!" he stood there with a dirty smirk "But you were planning to get laid though??" I shut my mouth and slammed the washroom door in his face while groaning in annoyance. 

Taking a quick shower and getting changed, I then applied some makeup and slightly curled my hair.

Taking a quick shower and getting changed, I then applied some makeup and slightly curled my hair

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Walking out the washroom Jihoon nodded at what I was wearing giving me a thumbs up. "Yes, very good. Not too girly but not too slutty either." Looking at myself in the mirror I pursed my lips "Are you sure this is okay?? Its not to plain?" Jihoon looked offended with what I said and walked up to me from behind. "Y/n, your having dinner at his house. You dont need to be all dressed up for that. Better to dress comfy... " "Your right Jihoon... I know this might be too much to ask but could you drive me to his place?" 

"Eh? what am I your chauffeur??.... im kidding of course, I need to buy some stuff from the store anyways" Grabbing my purse I slipped on a pair of heels and we both left the apartment. 

Time Skip~ (Jungkooks house) 

Finally arriving at his place I stepped out of the car and turned to Jihoon "Thanks for everything Jihoon, Ill come by your place tonight so I could give you some in depth details of how everything goes" he gave me a simple nod before I closed the door to let him drive off. Turning on the heels of my shoes I walked up to the gates and rang the buzzer. After a few minutes his recognizable honey like voice answered speaking through the intercom "hello???" "A-Ah J-Jungkook?? its Y-" the intercom quickly turned off before I could  even finish and I soon heard the front door open while footsteps rushed to the gate. The gate suddenly opened revealing Jungkook dressed in something different from earlier. 

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