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Time Skip~ (4 months later) 

Jungkook POV
Hearing the sound of my alarm go off I shot my eyes open and quickly pushed myself out of bed. Getting ready for work I took a shower and threw some clothes on. Today was a special day for me... well for Y/n and I to be more exact. Its our one year anniversary and I was super excited to be spending today with her after work. It was currently the weekend and I was able to get Jin and Hobi hyung to watch Taewoo while I work while Jin and Yoongi hyung took over in the evening while im out with Y/n. I had mixed emotions about today if I were to be totally honest.... not bad thoughts of course just more of like 'I wonder what will happen today' type of thoughts. 

But mostly I was thinking about whether or not Y/n would be ready to take our relationship further. I know there are couples out there who have sex like 5 months into their relationships but I wanted to respect Y/n and not force her into it because I didnt want to make her uncomfortable with the situation. I was ready... I mean I've been ready but I wanted to go at her pace. My hyungs are proud of me for even holding out this long and I am too haha but sometimes it could get too hard. (You all know what I mean)

Putting on my jacket along with hat and mask I made sure to wait for Hobi hyung before leaving

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Putting on my jacket along with hat and mask I made sure to wait for Hobi hyung before leaving. Arriving to work earlier than usual I walked into my office to see Shin Yura placing something on my desk. (????) "What are you doing in here?" I spoke up, the female flinched hearing my voice before turning to face me. Walking over I saw a small bento box in the middle of my desk, cocking a brow I locked eyes with her as she looked at me. "I made you lunch..." she simply spoke with a rather seductive tone. "I didnt ask you to make me lunch... so take it with you, I dont need it" Pushing the bento box towards her she stepped back before quickly rushing out the office. (What the hell....) I thought to myself before sitting down behind my desk. Shaking my head I took the bento box and tossed it in the garbage not wanting to eat it. 

Through out the morning I continued to text Y/n, we were both planning what to do and I was excited for our date. We didnt really have a plan set but we were thinking of just going with the flow and to just do what we want for the evening which was we both thought was a good idea. Putting my phone down I opened the side drawer of my desk and stared at the small f/c box with a small smile on my face (I really hope she likes it....). As time passed by it was already lunch, about to just head out and grab some fast food, the door to my office opened and Shin Yuna walked in. Seeing her  eyes glance at the bento box that was sitting in the garbage she suddenly spoke "Why wont you accept anything from me...". with my brows scrunching at her sudden comment I was about to retaliate but she continued to speak. 

"Ever since I started working here you never talked or even looked at me. Why?" "Ms.Shin... I dont know what your trying to achieve by telling me this... now if you excuse me Im on my lunch bre-" "I want you to notice me! I've done everything to try and get your attention, whether it be calling you by your first name just to get you to correct me or even giving you the wrong documents. I did all of that just to get you to talk to me! dont you understand why im doing all of this?!" I shook my head at her words fully understanding what she meant, walking passed her and out of the office I felt her grab my hand. "Jungkook please... I-I like you! I did everything because I like you!" About to pull my hand away she suddenly grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward, with her lips crashing on mine. Eyes widening with her lips still pressed against mine, my mind went blank. I couldnt do anything... and because of me not pushing her away I just let it happen. 





(A/N: SORRY! I had to end this chapter there! I didnt want to add anything else since the next chapter was going to be a big one! OOOOO double update today! I was feeling better and thought I should update another chapter! :) Hope you all arent too stressed with this cliff hanger! Talk to you all again in the next chapter, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! <3)

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