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Time Skip~ (Monday) 

(I dont want to go to school....) I thought to myself while getting up. Its been 2 days since I caught Jungkook and that bitch kissing... Im glad I just didnt run away, (UGH IM STILL SO FUCKING MAD AT HIM but Im so fucking glad I slapped that irrelevant thing!). From constant calls and knocks at my door from Jungkook, I did what I had to do and ignored him. I wasnt ready to see him yet... not after what happened. I was too crushed to hear his what he had to say to me... too hurt to face him after all of that. "Y/n.. we have to go to work..." Jihoons soft voice spoke up while entering my room, ever since Saturday Jihoon had stayed over at my house to make sure I was alright. Sitting on the edge of my bed I looked at him with tired eyes but nodded while getting up to get ready. 

Soon after getting ready Jihoon and I left our apartment building and took his car since I was too tired to take mine

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Soon after getting ready Jihoon and I left our apartment building and took his car since I was too tired to take mine. "Are you worried about seeing him at the school?" he questioned while glancing at me, I nodded while looking out the window. "I dont know what I would do." feeling my chest tighten just thinking about Jungkook I clutched my shirt tightly in my hand before continuing "I-It just hurts so much... I thought I finally met someone who truly cared about me. He said all those things to me the night he asked me out and I genuinely believed he loved me... but I-I guess I was wrong. I-I never wanted to experience this feeling again... thats why I stopped getting too attached to people."

Having my sight blur from the forming tears I quickly wiped them away before it escaped. "Y/n, I know what you mean. I was there for you during the whole Jongin situation and Im going to be there for you again. But you need to talk to Jungkook first... listen to what he has to say. We dont know the full story of what happened, and instead of jumping to conclusions hear what he has to say first and go from there. Its not going to be easy... but thats where you need to start first" Listening to every word coming from his mouth I nodded knowing that he was right. I would need to know what happened but right now I need some space from him... Pulling up to the school Jihoon and I got out of the car and went to work. Students entering one by one... some students missing from being sick but I noticed Taewoo was no where to be seen. A few seconds after the bell rang and right before I greeted the class the small figure ran into the classroom. "Miss Y/n! sorry im late! Uncle Tae had to drop me off to school" 

Once the younger sat in class, another figure came into the classroom out of breath. "M-Mianhe Miss Min... I-I missed the bus this morning" a small laugh escaped my mouth as Minseok took a seat to try and catch his breath. "Alright class, now that everyone is here lets get started." 

Jungkook POV
(I wonder if he got to school on time...) I thought knowing that Tae tends to wake up late sometimes. "Kook are you listening to me?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to Soonyoung hyung who was sitting behind his desk. "Mianhe hyung... w-what did you say?" he sighed while leaning back into his chair "I asked if you explained things to Y/n." I heaved a heavy stressful sigh while shaking my head "I called her countless of times and even went to apartment to try and talk to her-" "But she didnt want to talk to you right?" I nodded. "Well I dont blame her.. she still must be hurting after what happened" Closing my eyes while hearing him scold me for letting that happen we heard a knock on the door. "Come in Ms. Shin" freezing up hearing who entered I heard the sound of her heels click before they stopped right beside me. In the corner of my eye I saw her figure sit down in the chair that was beside mine, "What the hell is she doing here hyung..." 

"Ms.Shin... Jungkook told me you forced yourself onto him. Care to explain why?" I looked over at Yuna as she stayed quiet while taking glances at me. "You have feelings for Jungkook dont you? Im not one to get into these types of topics but what you did was out of line Ms.Shin, you were 100% aware that Jungkook was in a serious relationship with Y/n. Yet you let your feelings and selfishness take over and do something like that. Now explain yourself while I have the patience" 

I shot my gaze at the female as she looked at the both of us obviously scared about the situation she was now in. "I-Im s-sorry M-Mr.Jeon... I-I shouldve kept my feelings to myself and r-respected y-your relationship w-with her. E-Even though I have these feelings for you still it was wrong of me to force myself onto you." "Well your not forgiven..." I muttered making her eyes widen "But I apologized...." "Just because you apologized doesnt mean its going to magically fix everything and make things alright. Because of what you did Y/n has been ignoring me and now our relationship is hanging by a thread." Guilt washed over her once I said my piece. She stayed silent reflecting on her mistakes but that wasnt good enough for me. Standing from my seat I looked at Soonyoung hyung "Excuse me hyung... I have to go pick up Taewoo from school now." the older simply nodded his head allowing me to leave. Closing the door behind me I walked by the office but glanced through the clear glass to see Soonyoung in the middle of scolding the female. 

Time Skip~

Hearing the school bell ring I stepped out of my car and entered the school, greeted by familiar faces I walked through the hallway until I was now standing outside the classroom Taewoo was in. Students leaving one by one to find their parents. Staring into the classroom from outside my eyes were locked on her... the one that had been avoiding me because of my mistake. She sat there in her chair with a pained expression, even though she smiled and said goodbye to her students I knew that smile she was wearing was forced. And it was all because of me... I wanted to go in there and grab her, bring her into a hug and explain to her my side of the story. I dont know why but I couldnt enter, I didnt have the strength nor the courage to go in there and face her. She needed time away from me to gather her thoughts and I didnt want to make her more uncomfortable with me. 

We were supposed to celebrate our one year anniversary and I ruined it. "Appa!!" I suddenly heared Taewoo chime while running up to me. Snapping out of my thoughts I saw my son now standing in front of me with a bright smile while tugging on my sleeve. "Are you not going to say hi to Miss Y/n??" he suddenly questioned, I glanced up and met with her eyes before she quickly looked away. Even though it was just for a split second I could tell that she was still hurting... without me noticing, Taewoo looked back between Y/n and I before puffing his cheeks "Appa... did something happen between you and Miss Y/n?? She looked sad today..." 

Looking down at Taewoo I crouched down to his level "She looked sad???" he nodded followed by a small tiny sigh that escaped his lips "Ne... she wasnt as bright and happy like always. I was sad when I didnt see her smiling as much" Feeling my heart drop to my stomach I couldnt handle it anymore... I know I said that she would probably want some time away from me but hearing how its affecting her here at work, I didnt want to see like this. "Taewoo... go to the library I have to talk to Miss Y/n." Taewoo nodded before walking away. With the classroom being clear with only Y/n in it I walked in and closed the door behind me. 


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