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"S-Sungmin oppa???" I called out making the male look at me confused but soon a bright smile took over his face. "Y/n!?! IS THAT YOU!?!" he chimed with a loud voice before running up to me and bringing me into a tight embrace. Wrapping my arms around his built figure I felt myself suffocating in his chest since it was significantly larger than mine. "I-I cant breathe!" I stuttered out while pushing him away. Hearing him chuckle while ruffling my hair we both saw Mingyu and Jihoon confused. 

"A-Ah mianhe! Sungmin oppa is my cousin!" both of them making an 'o' face Sungmin nodded clearly loving how I was 'showing him off' which I wasnt. "Mingyu, I didnt know you were friends with my little cousin" "I-I didnt know you two were cousins to begin with..." I laughed while smacking Sungmins arm "I could see you dont talk about me a lot huh.." "Hey I do... I told Mingyu about you.. but I guess he never asked for your name." "You better not have said anything dumb" 

He put his hand up defending himself "A-Ani~ I wouldnt do such thing! I just told him that I had a cousin who lives in Seoul as well. And-" but before he could finish his sentence Mingyu cut him off by saying something that caught me off guard. "Wait.. Is Y/n the cousin you told me about?? the one that you walked down the aisle-" Sungmin nodded while wrapping his arm around my shoulder "Ne, I was the one who walked my pretty little cousin down the aisle to that bastard... I also heard from Hyunjin that there were things that you didnt tell me" I sighed while knowing all too well what he was talking about. "Do I have to tell you about it? because it seems like you already know everything." 

(Time Skip~)

"Well its getting late now, so I better head home, Jihoon are you coming?" I questioned while looking at the male who was already sound asleep on the couch from the amount of alcohol he had consumed. "Its alright Y/n, I'll let Jihoon stay the night.. get home safe okay?" nodding I grabbed my jacket and made my way towards the door until I heard Sungmin speak "Ill drive you to your apartment" 

"Wooow, how sweet of you. Usually you would tell me to call an uber, but your personally wanting to drive me? Im shocked.. did you hit your head somewhere?" He laughed at my words while shaking his head. "your crazy you know that?" "Well crazy is better than ordinary right?" Leaving the house and getting into his car, he drove towards my apartment but we talked on our way there. Catching up on things that happened along with my relationship with Jungkook. "Im happy hearing that your okay Y/n... im serious" "Oof.. your scaring me. haha but in all honesty Im truly am okay. Of course with all relationships there will be fights and arguments but I wouldnt have it any other way with Jungkook." 

Seeing that we arrived I took my seatbelt off and got out of the car before looking back at my cousin who sat there with a small smile on his face. "Make sure you text me okay? Lets hang out some more.. and maybe with the two other brats if I feel like it." I nodded "Of course oppa.. drive safe okay? Also maybe stop bringing girls into your car too.. it smells like you know..." With his eyes widen he quickly grabbed the handle of the passenger door and closed it before zooming off in embarrassment. Laughing as I entered my apartment building I greeted some neighbours before entering my apartment room. 

Thinking that I was going to be home alone I turned on the lights and jumped once seeing a figure sitting on the couch. "HOLY SHIT KOOK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I yelled while throwing my bag at him. Swiftly dodging and catching my bag he walked over towards me and smiled but there was a faint smell of alcohol coming from his mouth. "Yah.. have you been drinking?" he giggled like a child before wrapping his arms around my waist while nuzzling his head into the crook of my shoulder. "Can you hold me?" he whispered while gripping his hold tighter around me. Wrapping my arms around him and doing as I was told he shook his head "Hold me~" "Pabo, I am holding you..." 

Continuing to giggle like a child he pulled away before locking lips with mine, surprised with his actions I returned the kiss before pulling away. His flushed cheeks while his eyes were slightly droopy I found this sight rather amusing. "Help me..." he whispered while planting another kiss on my lips. Pushing him away I looked at him confused by his words until I glanced down and saw a tent forming in his pants. (Oh god... is this what he meant by help him??) "Help me please?~" he cooed into my ear with his raspy like voice. Sending chills down my spin I shook my head while grabbing his hand to lead him to the bedroom. 

"Kook, were not doing this when your drunk. Its like im taking advantage of you.. I mean I totally would but that would just be so wrong" he whined while shaking his head "Im not drunk.. If I was drunk I wouldnt have been able to drive here" "Kook.. you shouldnt be driving in general if you drank" He held my hand tightly in his before responding "I know.. but you were the only thing that I was thinking about today.. and I-I just wanted to see you, hear your voice... -" suddenly I felt his hand slide under my shirt, his fingers cold. "-to feel you..." 

Before I could even say or do anything he pushed my body onto the bed before pinning my arms above my head. Placing soft kisses on my face and down my jaw... leading to my neck while taking little bites on my collarbone. Just by the sound of his raspy voice I already melted to his touch. Ill admit its been awhile since we last did it.. I missed it but I never really thought about it all too much since I've been busy with work. Letting his hands roam around under my shirt, my hands reached up as I let my fingers run through his hair. Lightly tugging while moaning as he nipped on my skin I felt the heat in my room rise as our bodies became more needy. Stripping me of my shirt and bra he looked down at me with lustful eyes, but before he could go any further I shook my head. 

"I feel like its a bit unfair that im the only one stripping..." he chuckled at my words before slowly taking off his shirt. Revealing his toned upper body I felt my cheeks heat up before looking away. "Look at me..." his voice was low but demanding, not complying to his words he grabbed my face forcefully before making me look into his eyes. 

"I told you to look at me..." 




(A/N: OOP- Lemon?? for all my readers.. are you ready to break out your Hobi water for the next chapter???)

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