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Jungkook Pov
"Kaja" she simply spoke while taking the lead, entering the tower and taking the stairs I knew where we were going. Finally arriving she walked out and towards the viewing platform that looked over the city of Seoul.

Watching as she leaned on the railings she looked out into the distance and breathed in the air "Isnt it beautiful?" she questioned still looking out

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Watching as she leaned on the railings she looked out into the distance and breathed in the air "Isnt it beautiful?" she questioned still looking out. Instead of looking at the view of Seoul my eyes were on Y/n... she was my view, and she was breathtakingly beautiful. "Ne... very beautiful" I answered gaining her attention, she giggled before looking back at the view in front of us. "You know Jungkook...-" "hmm?"

(Play Music Now~~optional!)

"Ever since Jongin broke things off with me during the wedding I would always come here every night after work or during my free time. Not because of the amazing view but because being all the way up here felt like it was easier for me to breathe. I dont know why but it did... I honestly thought that God was testing me and I was just utterly failing. Back then I was so depressed from what happened that it effected me so much. I wasnt able to think straight... I locked all my feelings deep inside of me because in the end I thought that whoever I fall in love with would just leave me again. There was even a moment in my life when I came up here and thought... 'what if I jumped??' 'would someone miraculously grab my hand and save me?' 'would anyone notice that I was gone? would they look for me?' 'would they even care?' - " Eyes widening at her words I glanced over looking at her with worried eyes but she just kept on smiling... it broke me seeing her talk about what she went through. (Why is she saying all of this...)

Continuing to look at her worried she turned to me still with that god damn smile on her face and continued to speak. "-I then met Jihoon and he was there to help me get over Jongin... he was my shoulder to lean on whenever I was depressed and he was always there to talk some sense into me. But even during those times I would never want to go out, I could never get to close to someone, I wouldnt want to mingle or get to know someone during social events. I felt uncomfortable being near other males because I didnt want to fall, I was scared to get too attached, terrified of commitment because I didnt want to just be used and then tossed away... but....-" (But???) "-But ever since I met you Jungkook everything changed... Ever since that day when you came to pick up Taewoo from school I couldnt help but think of you. Of course at first I was scared and I tried my best to distance myself from you since I thought you were taken, but slowly I just couldnt help myself. I dont know why but everyday when I wake up I couldnt help but hope to see you just to see that addictive smile of yours. From when you were protective of me when Jongin was near, to when you asked me to dinner for the first time... I was ecstatic but at the same time scared. Because I had such a deep secret that I didnt want anyone to find out... I was terrified that if I told you about my condition that you would look at me differently. That you wouldnt ever want to talk or see me again..-"

Continuing to listen to her spill out her feelings for me her eyes teared up and soon she began to cry. I felt my heart twist at the sight in front of me... realizing that it was basically a confession I stayed silent letting her continue. "-Jungkook I-I-I fell for you.. s-so hard that I dont know what to do. M-My mind is a mess whenever you a-appear and I cant stop t-thinking a-about you e-every night. That b-bunny like smile, and that contagious laugh of yours t-that makes m-my heart s-skip a beat. T-The way you call out t-to me whenev-ver you see me... J-Jeon Jungkook... I-I like you.. so-so much..." Finally finishing her confession she looked up at me with tear filled eyes.  Seeing as she bit down on her lip nervous for my answer.. I took a step towards her...

"Be mine..." I simply blurted out not giving a damn about how straight up I was. Her eyes slightly widened at me words "w-what?-" "Y/n.. you drive me so crazy. You stole my heart the minute I met you with that gorgeous smile and adorable laugh. Every night  I go to sleep excited knowing that the next day I would be able to see you. Yeah I still had lingering feelings for my ex but ever since I gotten to know more about you, your all thats on my mind nowadays and I wouldnt have it any other way. Your condition? when you told me your story about how Jongin left you I was left in shock.. thinking 'how could someone be that stupid to leave such an amazing and beautiful woman like her'. He lost something as amazing as you but I gained such a grand prize and im never letting it go.-" 

Taking another step towards her I gently grabbed her hands holding it tightly in mine. "Min Y/n... I like you... I want to be the one who makes you smile and laugh, I want to be your shoulder to lean and cry on when you need it and I want to be the one who cherishes you wholeheartedly and unconditionally. Please, be mine" Looking at me shocked she couldnt help but stutter out "A-Are you s-serious.." she asked and I knew she was scared and shocked from my words. Nodding my head I sent her a small smile before using my thumb to wipe away her remaining tears. (How is she still this beautiful with tears streaming down her face....)

"Im dead serious

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"Im dead serious... so what do you say?" she stayed silent while biting on her lower lip, remembering something  I grabbed her chin with my hand making her look me in the eyes. "If I remember correctly I won that bet back at the arcade, you have to agree to whatever I want. And I want you to be my girlfriend." A small giggle escaping her lips, and with a smile on her face. "Your a complete dork... thinking of that bet during a serious moment like this.."  "Hey it was the perfect moment for me to use it..." Silence washed over us again as I watched her look out into the view once more. "Jungkook...-" Having a feeling of knowing what she  was going to say I cut her off "Your imperfections make up who you are as a person, perfections, imperfections, flaws or whatever, I dont care... in my eyes your perfect just that way you are" 

Y/n turned to me completely silent from what I said but soon that blank facial expression she was holding on her face turned into a bright smile as she quickly wrapped her hands around me neck bringing me into her embrace. "Ill be yours... thank you Jungkook... for everything." Slowly wrapping my arms around her waist I brought her closer to my body wanting to hold her close and never let go. 

"No... Thank you Y/n...-"

"For coming into my life..."







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