Chapter 73: Naruto's Resolve

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A/N - Hey guys :) This is a rather fast update! I tried my best to write a chapter up and I'm glad to finally show it to y'all. I really hope you do enjoy it.

Please remember to comment and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 73: Naruto's Resolve

"Oh Naruto, I can't take it," Nia cried as she was bandaging Naruto after he had been hammered by a very angry Karui. They were in a tent with three other of their friends. "You're hurt so badly."

Naruto had gauze wrapped around his upper body, head, and over one of his eyes. Nia did her best to treat his wounds with a first aid kit despite feeling the way she did about what he had gotten himself into.

"Sweet Nia, please... please don't cry,"  The genin begged.

"Yeah, but l-look what h-happened. She beat you down so b-badly and it's all cause you l-let her."

"Sweetheart..." Naruto sighed sadly.

He didn't mean to have Nia see what he was planning to do with the Cloud ninja. That's why he had told her to stay out of it, but of course, she didn't listen and in the process, got her own self jabbed on the cheek.

"Sweetheart, don't worry about me. Please put a bandage on your cheek. It's bruised," Naruto told her.

"No baby, your injuries are much worse than mine so you come first," Nia replied.

"Yeah, but I heal very fast."

"That doesn't matter."

"Yes it does, sweet Nia," Naruto raised his voice a bit. "The only reason you got hurt in the first place is cause you jumped in to help me even though I told you beforehand to stay out of my business, ya know!"

Kakashi, Yamato, and Sai just watched as the couple were having a slight argument.

"Well excuse me for trying to protect my boyfriend when he's not making the right decision. Honestly, what made you think it was a good idea to have Karui smash your face in, huh?! That didn't solve anything!" Nia snapped.

"Sweet Nia, do NOT argue with your hero."

"Then be quiet and let me bandage you up, honeybun!"

Naruto groaned before looking at the tears in Nia's eyes. His face then softened and he gazed downward.

"I'm... sorry," He muttered, catching Nia by surprise.

Nia just gawked at him.

"You and Sai are the reason why I didn't get hurt more than I am..." Naruto said. "You guys saved me, so I should, or I mean, I'm gonna say... thank you."

"Naruto... I think instead of having Nia patch you up with the first aid kit, you really oughta have Sakura treat those wounds," Sai suggested. "Medical ninjutsu is more effective than ordinary bandages and things like that."

"Nah, it's fine," Naruto replied. "Plus, if she sees me like this, it'll only cause more trouble. Trust me. Besides, like I told Nia, I heal fast. I'll be okay in no time."

"But honeybun..." Nia was still upset.

Naruto gave her a weak smile.

"I understand what I did hurt you, sweetheart, and for that, I really am sorry for making you cry and worry about me."

"Honeybun, I just want you to be okay. That's all..." Nia responded.

"Give your hero a kiss," Naruto puckered his lips slightly.

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