An Issue In Regard To Certain Readers Of This Fanfic (IMPORTANT)

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Okay, so I've been keeping something to myself for a fairly long time. I mean like since maybe near the end chapters of my first Naruto book, and I just wanna share something with you guys that I personally am feeling very iffy about in regards to a certain amount of you all who read my story.

Before I get right on into it, I just wanna make one thing clear: By no means do I wanna come across as a bitch or whiny or just anything negative with what I have to say, but I just feel this needs to be addressed NOW. I care for and appreciate all my readers, but just like how a few of you can get upset with me sometimes, I can feel a bit disappointed with some of you at times as well.

So... here are the type of readers I wanna address this too: SILENT READERS

Okay, so I already feel like I'm getting a few eye rolls by some of you, but let me explain. So normally I tend to always ignore this issue and just appreciate the fact that you guys are even reading this story and that a few of you are kind enough to spare some time out of your day to comment and vote.

However, just recently, as I was editing on the next chapter, I clicked off to go onto the website version of this and check on my stats and stuff for this book and my first Naruto book. I haven't checked it in a hot minute so I was curious as to who was reading and what chapters were being well received and all that other jazz.

So... the thing that... not even gonna lie, hurt me, was when I saw the amount of silent readers I have. THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF YOU! Now, the number can change depending on whether or not people continue reading the story, so it fluctuates a lot I guess, but still... the fact that like maybe less than 10-20 take the time out of your day to tell me your thoughts on certain chapters when there is well over at least 100... or even hundreds of you who doesn't want to show your appreciation, support, or love for anything I write in any way, shape, or form is honestly depressing as hell.

Like, I was looking like this when I realized how many of you neglect to give any sort of feedback or whatever thought or reaction you may have toward my chapters or legit don't even give a thought as to at least giving it a star.

Like, I was looking like this when I realized how many of you neglect to give any sort of feedback or whatever thought or reaction you may have toward my chapters or legit don't even give a thought as to at least giving it a star

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Like dang, I feel like Stewie from family guy when he worked hard to make that picture for Peter and Lois only to have them insult and spit on it LOL 🤣🤣🤣😭

That's how silent readers are making me feel cause I work hard as hell on these chapters for you all when I could be doing something else but y'all never wanna show me any type of reaction toward it sadly. I soldier through the intense cringe I have for this fanfic and still write it so it can be completed and make you guys smile or laugh. And hopefully I'm not being mean when I say this, but this also goes for the people who literally only just say "good chapter" or "please update" like what did you like about the chapter? Add something more to that.

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