Chapter 22: A Broken Mess

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A/N - Ahh, hi guys! This took a little longer but it's here! Thanks for being patient with me!

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Chapter 22: A Broken Mess

"GWAAH!" A shinobi screamed in agony as blood spurted out of the long gash on his back and collapsed to his stomach as lifeless as the rest of his fellow villagers.

Nia, who had been the source of all the chaos, just stared at the pile of bodies around her, expressionless as ever and with their blood drenching her from head to toe.

"Man... she really just killed them all with no remorse whatsoever," Suigetsu commented before turning his head to Sasuke who was standing to his left. "Sasuke, you sure you don't wanna stop this? You're against this whole thing, aren't you?"

"Of course," He did his best to restrain himself. "But I can't do anything about it... If I do, I won't be able to receive Itachi's eyes..."

"That's right..." A black zetsu sprouted itself from out the ground behind the group as they turned to face him. "If we see you hindering her killings, you can say goodbye to your sight... and your life."

"Keh," The Uchiha gritted his teeth and rested his hand atop his sheath attached to his waist. "How long is she going to remain under this genjutsu?"

"Until she gets killed, of course. I thought we told you that. She has no hope of returning to normal."

"Well, what exactly is she experiencing in the genjutsu?" Karin questioned.

"I'm not the one you should be asking..."

"You know, I thought we were being watched," Suigetsu folded his arms behind his head. "Leaving Nia completely in our care would've been way too careless of Madara..."

"Indeed," Jugo agreed.

"So don't step out of line, cause I've got a close eye on all of you," Zetsu reminded them before disappearing into the ground. "Goodbye for now..."

As that was going on, in another place entirely, Naruto and a few of his friends were still actively searching for Nia at night.

"Sai, thanks for doing this for me. I know you're tired, but-"

"That's fine, Naruto," Sai smiled as the two were riding on a large bird he drew and made come alive, soaring many feet up into the sky. "But are you sure Nia was taken? You sure she didn't just run away after a bad argument or something?"

"Of course she didn't run away. We were literally on such good terms yesterday night that I was sure we were going to do it after dinner or maybe even the second we would enter the apartment. Besides, I immediately knew she was abducted when I found the umbrella she was holding flipped over near my front door. Plus, she hates getting her hair wet so I know she wouldn't just run off without taking the umbrella with her, ya know."

"I see..."

"Those bastards tricked me... and now they have Nia..." Naruto choked up a bit before lowering his eyes. "I let them take her away from me... and now I don't even know... if she's even alive still..."

"Naruto... can I ask you something?"


"I've always wondered about something regarding you two: Why did you end up liking Nia when she was really dismissive of you at first? In fact, why do you like the people who would give you such a hard time at first the most? Sasuke was never very kind to you... neither was Sakura, but you ended up liking them both very much. In fact, you and I wasn't on great terms at first either, yet-"

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