Chapter 50: Decipher The Code

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A/N - Hey guys! New chapter is out! Just a heads up, chapters may be updated more slowly now because I've gotten pretty busy with my personal life and because it's getting harder and harder for me to write these chàpters. I'm at that part of the story where I will have to review original scenes from the anime and rewrite them into these chàpters which is a lot harder than you all think it is.

Anyway, voting and especially commenting will help me to update faster, so please remember to do so. More comments = faster updates (if that makes sense)

Thanks and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 50: Decipher The Code

Nia and Naruto were walking down the path to the Hokage Tower when Naruto spotted a popsicle with two sticks in it so it can be easily split apart. He remembered Jiraiya sharing one with him after a long day of training. Without a word to his girlfriend, Naruto walked into the store and sadly stared at the popsicle.

Nia didn't feel Naruto's presence behind her and looked behind her. Seeing him stare at the popsicle sadly nearly broke her heart.

Looks like he's not completely healed yet.

She walked into the store and gently grabbed the popsicle Naruto was staring at with one hand, and grabbed his hand with her other. She purchased the cold treat and led Naruto outside to a wooden bench where they sat down.

She remembered Naruto telling her the stories of how Jiraiya would split a popsicle with him after a long day of training, and knew its importance to her. After all, she shared that experience with them as well a few times, though she knew he was talking about before she had met them. Nia split the cold treat in two and handed one half to Naruto.

He stared at his half while it slowly melted.

"Naruto... do you remember last night when I told you how much Jiraiya-sensei praised you?"

"Yea, sweetie... why?"

"I know you're sad right now, but you should try acting like your normal self, the man that Jiraiya praised so much. Don't stay depressed forever. After all, Jiraiya himself, one of the Legendary Sannin... acknowledged you as his promising student." Nia said softly as she smiled proudly at the blonde.

Naruto's eyes widened momentarily before a true and genuine smile took over his face.

Iruka-sensei told me that too... and they're both right. I can't keep moping around forever.

He enveloped Nia in a hug.

"You're right, sweetie... thank you." Before Nia could respond, he had already pulled away with one of his typical grins on his face and had begun lapping away his popsicle.

Nia shot a warm smile at Naruto and scooched closer to him until their shoulders were touching. She happily began licking her popsicle as well.

"Naruto?" Shikamaru asked in a surprised tone.

He had been given the job of deciphering Jiraiya's final message, but he couldn't figure it out. So the lazy chunin had planned on having Naruto and Nia help him. Having lost Asuma, he understood the pain Naruto was currently going through and planned on telling him that it was time to grow up. That soon he would be teaching students and entrusting things to them.

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