Chapter 12: A Misunderstanding

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A/N- Omg I'm way past schedule 😅 y'all gonna have to forgive me, I got way too caught up with other things to update. Like seriously. At one point, I forgot this story existed but I have finally got this update ready for you all and I'd really appreciate it if you could comment your thoughts on it as I had went out of my way to give you guys basically two chapters for you all to enjoy this week. This chapter has like TEN THOUSAND WORDS lol.

Like I said last chapter, this chapter is somewhat of a lemon... I guess? But not really. You'll get what I mean when you read. If you don't like it, don't get mad at me, just skip the parts you don't like. I still gotta write the lemons for the people who want to read them — which is way more people than the people who are sick of it. Actually, if anyone is sick of the lemons then stop reading the story lol cause I warned you all in the description that this story has ADULT THEMES to it. If you don't like it, don't read please. Next chapter is fighting though so hurray.

So please show your love and consider voting and commenting and I'll see you at the end of this chapter ❤️ enjoy reading


Chapter 12: A Misunderstanding

"Come on!" Dark Naruto pulled Nia's arm. "Get moving or else."

"H-Hold on now... let's just... sit and chat through all this, kay?" Nia chuckled nervously as she slowly walked forward.

Ignoring her, the genin brought her to his apartment and locked the door behind him without facing directly at it. Immediately after, he began closing in on Nia who was backing away, his slow yet intimidating steps made her slightly fearful and anxious.

This continued until Nia bumped against his bed and was forced to watch as the guy made his way over to her, stopping just mere inches opposite of her.

"Pfft, you know... sex has always been overrated," She attempted to get herself out of the mess she was in. "But you know what isn't overrated? Ramen. Speaking of which, there's a whole ton of them in your drawer over there. Why don't I make us some and we can-"

"We're having sex and that's final, ya know," The blonde narrowed his eyes, sending shivers down the kunoichi's back.

"You know what? You might wanna take a step back cause look at this," She resorted to throwing random jabs in the air. "These hands are lethal! Bah, bop, bah! You don't want any of-Kya!"

Having swept behind the girl's feet with that of his own foot, Dark Naruto had caused the girl to trip and land flat on he back on his bed in the middle of her performing her right hooks and uppercuts. Quickly, he slammed his left hand down next to her head then used his right index finger to slowly move his claw down her face before cupping her cheek in his hand.

"L-Listen, we don't have to do this," Nia trembled. "B-Besides, this is what... I was talking about. I don't like this. I don't like feeling dirty and disgusting. I'll only agree if you promise to be gentle."

"Argh, did I tell you to yap your mouth?!" Dark Naruto hopped off the kunoichi and headed towards his closet, seemingly searching for something before pulling out an erotic outfit and throwing it at Nia right as she stood off the bed. "Change out of your clothes and put this on since you like being dominated so much."

"NO!" She suddenly snapped and slammed the outfit on the floor. "You know what? I am so sick and tired of this crap! All the time I listen to everything you want to do in bed, yet you never listen to anything I want! I told you I don't wanna be wild anymore, or at least, not as often. Naruto, I know it's my fault that intimacy floods your mind more than it ever did before and while no one is meant to stay innocent forever, I still feel that this could've all been avoided if I just would've said no to sex with you more often... but I never did."

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