Chapter 69: Love In A Tent 🍋

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A/N - Hey everyone 😃😃😃 YES! Your eyes DO NOT deceive you! This whole chapter is a LEMON! Oml, I can't even remember the last time I wrote one of these. It's probably been over a year 🤪 I'm sorry for those of you who read the lemons, but you gotta remember this story has plot with bits of smut, not smut entirely.

Please be sure to check out my original (secret NaruNia fanfic) story on this profile called The Loser's Hero!!!

Anyway, please remember to comment and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 69: Love In a Tent 🍋

Naruto leaned into Nia, sharing lingering, unhurried kisses as the two were secluded in a tent with it zipped up. Nia could feel him smiling against her lips and she let out a soft sigh of contentment.

"I love you," Naruto murmured against her lips and deepened his kiss.

Nia melted against him. She could still feel the heat and desire underneath his kiss, the fire between them smoldering just as it always did, but now his kiss was tinged by something else, something serene and sweet. Nia ran her hands in his hair, whispering his name between kisses and feeling Naruto's embrace tighten when she did until the space between them was nonexistent, their bodies pressed as close as they could be while still clothed.

"You're the hero of the village," She told him with a soft smile on her features. "How does it feel to be so amazing?"

"I feel like I'm on top of the world right now," The blond gave a toothy grin. "I've tried for so long to get everyone to acknowledge me."

"Oh Naruto, I'm so happy for you..." Nia kissed his cheek then gazed deeply into his eyes. "You always deserved recognition."

Naruto trailed kisses along her cheek to her ear and whispered, "Yeah, but the thing that would make me most happy... is if you'd let me hold you."

The girl shivered a little at the way he said what he did, slightly deep and throaty and filled with such emotion. When they'd met, she'd been so standoffish, surly, and cynical. He'd seen something in her though, behind that facade, and he was so glad to find out he'd been right. She was a good woman. Her kind heart, loyalty to those she loved, her humor and strong love were what had drawn him to her. Naruto loved Nia more than he'd thought was possible to love anyone.

His hands strayed from her back to her waist and he gripped her tightly as he leaned his forehead against hers. Both of them were breathing heavily and Nia let out a breathless laugh. Naruto's blue eyes looked deeply into her chocolate orbs and were filled with longing that ignited into desire as she trailed her fingers down his neck to his broad chest, toying with the zipper of his jacket.

"Of course you can hold me," She said, looking up at him from under her eyelashes while unzipping his jacket. "It's only right that I reward you for putting your life on the line for everyone in this village."

Naruto's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard and muttered, "And especially after having you brought back to life, I really need to show you just how relieved I am to have you here with me."

"All I ask is that you're not too rough with me. You can probably hurt the babies if you are rough," Nia told him, her hand falling to his pants. She nudged up the edge of his shirt and ran a single finger from his stomach up to his chest. She leaned up, nipped his lip, and Naruto moaned in response. Hooking a finger in the waistband of his pants, she told him, "But besides all that... we've waited long enough. I want you."

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