Chapter 3: The Lingering Question

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A/N- Before you guys read, I'd like to say something:

So I notice there are words in my chapters that are very out of place and doesn't make sense within a sentence. I type my chapters on my phone and even though I try my best to edit before I publish my chapters, autocorrect slips pass me sometimes and changes the words I meant to put in.

Basically, if while reading, you see a word in a sentence that you know doesn't make sense, please tell me immediately so I can fix it cause it gets really embarrassing for me when autocorrect messes up my sentences.

Thank you.


Chapter 3: The Lingering Question

"Mr. Gamariki, Gamaken, I'm gonna have to apologize for the abrupt summoning," Jiraiya apologized to the two large toads in front of him as he then rested a hand on Nia's shoulder, "Nia here has signed a contract with the toads for now. I want you two to be the main ones who sticks by her side. Sort of like how Gamakichi and Gamatatsu are by Naruto's."

Happy as he was able to see the kunoichi once more, Gamariki placed a hand to his cheek and fluttered his lashes, "Nia-Dear, it's been so long since I've seen you. A month, was it? I've been waiting to kiss your adorable cheeks, girl."

"That's okay," The girl sweatdropped as she had no interest in the toad's sloppy kisses, "It's really good to see you too, Mr. Gamariki. It's an honor to be partnering with you."

"Uh! Jiraiya-Honey, isn't she just a doll? She always flatters me. She's nothing like that disrespectful Naruto. Nia-Dear is someone I'm more than pleased to partner with."

"I'm happy you feel that way, Mr. Gamariki. Especially after that whole ordeal with Naruto. Nia is considerably a lot more respectful than he is so she shouldn't give you any problems." Jiraiya replied as he then looked up at the larger toad, "Mr. Gamaken, how've you been? Good, I hope?"

"You're gonna have to forgive me for my ungraceful introduction." The toad apologized, "It's great to see you, Master and it's a pleasure to meet you, Nia. I look forward to serving you as best as I can."

"And it's an honor to meet you, Mr. Gamaken, sir." Nia bowed, "You're a very cool-looking toad, I'm sure you and I will get along just fine."

Jiraiya smiled as he was satisfied with how things were going, "Well, that was the reasoning for her summoning you two—So that she could inform you of her allegiance and so she'd be able to meet you, Mr. Gamaken. Sorry for the trouble, but you may head back to your world. As for you, Mr. Gamariki, I'd like for you to stay here and give her some pointers on some of her water ninjutsu."

"All right then," Gamaken nodded, "Nia, it was nice meeting you. I shall take my leave now. Summon me when you need to."

"I will and it was nice meeting you too, Mr. Gamaken. Goodbye." The kunoichi replied as the large toad dispersed into smoke and headed back to his home world.

"Well Nia-Dear, let's see what you've learned since our last meeting, sweetheart. I'm sure you've-"

"PERVY SAGE! PERVY SAGE!" Naruto suddenly came jumping from branch to branch in a panic as he then leaped down from the trees, "Pervy Sage! I just saw one of your larger toads just a couple minutes ago! You usually summon the big ones when there's a huge threat! So-"

Nia softly placed a hand on the genin's shoulder as he turned to face her and immediately pulled her into a hug.

"Nia! Thank goodness you're okay! You're not hurt are you?"

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