Chapter 31: Naruto To The Rescue

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My account is: TheQueen923
It's a secret fanfiction of this book, just set in a high school setting. Think of it as Konoha High edition. Please make sure to follow and hit the vote button when you read the chàpters. I update Saturday.

Anyway, this chapter is rather short, but I'm trying to get it out for you guys since I haven't been updating it as frequently as I should.

Please consider commenting and voting and have a great rest of your day ❤️


Chapter 31: Naruto To The Rescue

"Damn!" Shikamaru hopped backward when a Zetsu had took a swung at him. "You guys, don't lose sight of Nia!"

Reaching an arm out, wood began to sprout out of Yamato as he attempted to grab the girl, but Jugo had only lifted her atop his shoulder and even more Zetsu rose from the ground, ready to sacrifice themselves.

"There's just too many of them!" He exclaimed, trying to curve his way to Nia, but failed with each attempt to avoid the enemy.

"You guys really thought we wouldn't notice the bugs, didn't you?" Black Zetsu chuckled.

With every passing second, the gap between the cavalry and Nia grew. Shikamaru couldn't reach her with his jutsu as the clones would only get in his way and kept him busy, attacking and forcing him to dodge every second.

Sai took to the sky, but accurate kunai throws would make his birds blast out with ink and thus proved his method useless. They wouldn't let anyone get within an inch of Nia.

In the midst of all this chaos, a large explosion placed a crater in the earth just where Sasuke and his group walked. Out from the smoke came a pair of enraged blue orbs.

"Who the hell do you think you are... taking her away from me the way you did... Sasuke!?"

The Uchiha closed his eyes briefly and chuckled.

"I knew it was a matter of time before you'd show up... Naruto."

"Listen, you and Nia are coming back with me!"

As those two would talk, everyone else would continue battling it out, fighting for their lives.

"I can't do that and I told you long ago that I wish not to have an affiliation to the Leaf. I have no ties with my old team."

"You and I both know that's not true."

"Give it up, man," Suigetsu taunted the blonde. "We're his new team now. Deal with it and get over it."

"Nia!" He didn't listen to any of that. "You better put her down right now!"

Suigetsu nudged Jugo.

"You know what? Let's do something fun. Let's show him Nia doesn't want to leave with him."

Hearing this, Jugo set her on her own two feet. Like she did with the others, her gaze on Naruto was blank and devoid of any emotion.

"Sweetheart, come here," The genin opened his arms. "Your hero has come to save you."

At first, she wouldn't move. She stayed right where she was.

"Nia, let me hold you already. Come here," Naruto pestered her.

This seemed to do the trick as she strolled over to him, though her balance was rather off and movement was unnatural.

"Wait, hold o-" Suigetsu took a step froward, only to have Sasuke place an arm in front of the purple-eyed young male.

A smile played on Naruto's lips as Nia slowly made her way over to him. When she did, he lightly cupped her face and gently brushed his thumbs against them.

"You're safe now," He reassured her.

However, Nia had no reply. Instead, she lightly pressed her head against his chest. When she did, the blonde took it as an invite to wrap his arms around her.

"Uhh Sasuke..." Suigetsu leaned toward the Uchiha and whispered behind his hand. "Don't you think we should do something? I mean... she's hugging him back."

He only shook his head in response.

Meanwhile, Naruto was busy trying to get Nia to talk to him.

"Nia, what's wrong?" He kept ahold of her, glancing slightly downward at her.

Of course, she didn't say anything.

Naruto cocked his head to the left.


No response.

"You don't have to be scared any longer. I came to save you." He embraced her tighter.

Again, the girl took out a kunai while the blue-eyed male wasn't paying attention. It was like this was her ultimate way at getting in a sneaky attack.

"Oh, here we go. Never mind, Sasuke," Suigetsu witnessed what was happening.

With no one to really back him up, Naruto was left to figure out for himself of the weapon Nia wielded in her hand. It was just like the genjutsu he had experienced earlier. The exact movements.

"Naruto!" Hinata's voice alerted him. "Look out!"

Suddenly, Nia attempted to dig her blade into the blonde's back, but Naruto had other plans. In a swift motion, he hopped out of the way, though doing so ripped a hole in his clothing and grazed his back slightly as his blood oozed from it.

His eyes narrowed at the deranged girl.

"Nia, what the hell are you doing?! Why'd you attack me like that."

His attention then went on to Sasuke.

"You better tell me what the hell you did to her or else."

Joining Sasuke's group once more, Nia went back to staying behind in the shadows.

"Don't look at me. I'm not the right person to ask," Sasuke gave his reply. "She just follows me around. I want her gone, but it's not in my control to make her leave."

"What's that even supposed to mean? Give her back to me Sasuke."

"Listen," Karin pressed her frames comfortably upward atop her nose. "You're not getting her back so quit trying."

"And who the hell are you?"

Karin flipped her hair.

"Don't you talk to me like that. Besides, Nia is lost forever. She won't remember you, trust me."

"She won't... remember-"

"Gyah!" The sounds of his friends battling Zetsu's reached Naruto's hearing.

Immediately, in response to that, he created shadow clones to help out with the fight while he stayed to chit chat with the enemies.

"You all better start telling me what the hell is going on with Nia! Why did she not respond to me?! Why does her eyes look so dull and lifeless?! What did you do to her?! Why did she attack me?!"


A/N - That's the end of that. Sorry for how short it is, but this is all I can do for now. I don't have that same spark I once did with these fanfictions, but I'm trying for you guys to update, even if small.

Anyway thanks for reading. Please check out my original story: Dare to be different on my TheQueen923 account. I would appreciate it if yall could check it out. Like I said countless times, it's a secret fanfiction of this story lol I'm trying my best to get noticed so we can have it sold worldwide.

Please remember to vote when you read it and follow that account. As for this, please comment and vote and have a great rest of your day.


1. Fave Part?

2. Fave Line?

3. What day should I upload this story? Do you guys mind if I amke shorter chàpters to help myself not get overwhelmed or...?

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