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Hey guys, so you're probably like, huuuuh? What book trailer? And I'm here to tell you... it's a trailer for my secret NaruNia original story:
Cursed Beauty 🥀

I'll let the trailer do the speaking for you on what it's about.

Sooooo, what did y'all think of it lol
Did you enjoy? Did it hype you up a little? I think it turned out pretty good just from one person working on it lol

Here's another summary:

What if the Beast was the Beauty and Beauty was the Beast?

Seventeen-year-old Naeia Lorae has always been the outcast. The ugly girl. The fat girl. Despite being a renowned romance author, she has never quite lived the love life as her beloved fictional characters had. Seeking a solution to her issues, she stumbles upon "Real Beauty", an app that promises to transform her into a beautiful swan. However, her quest for validation takes a sinister turn as the app, instead of granting approval, curses her with a beastly transformation, mirroring her internal struggles.

Amidst the sorrows her curse bestowed on her, Naeia crosses paths with a voracious reader of her stories, Nathan Maxwell, who seemingly gazes beyond the grotesque surface and appreciates the beauty within her. Together, they scour the city in an effort to unravel secrets of the sinister app and on the way, form a knitted bond born from shared vulnerabilities in order to break the curse.

The two must navigate a world obsessed with appearances, even encountering a media storm surrounding Naeia's affliction that puts their connection to the ultimate test. As the clock ticks, Naeia and Nathan discover an unforeseen power within themselves, one driven to confront whoever created the horrific app.

Will their unconventional bond withstand the challenges, proving that true beauty transcends curses and societal norms? And perhaps, maybe even... find love on the way

So you wanna know where to read it?

Like I said in a previous post, it is something you'd have to pay for whenever you read a new chapter, however, I am gonna base the pay on what most of my readers are able to afford or if it calls for it, what they can INDIVIDUALLY afford. That would mean I would need to hear what you're able to afford. Don't be embarrassed if you can't pay too much. I understand some people struggle. All I need is honesty. At the end of the day, I plan for each chapter release to be affordable for all.

Also remember that you can read at your own pace and pay for more material when you're able to. There's no rush. All I ask if you do want to be a reader is that you create a FREE account and follow me on there for updates lol

The site is called

My account is: TaniaJanae923
I'm the black girl with the white flowers in pfp

If you're not sure still, here's a preview of a scene within the book, but real quick to give context, Naeia (Nia) wears a disguise to cloak her cursed transformation from public view. Nathan (Naruto) has yet to see her in her cursed form and they're talking to eachother on video call on the computer.


Nathan's eyes glittered while ⁠ describing the events that unfolded earlier. "The charity event ⁠ was absolutely amazing! Those kids brought me extreme ⁠ joy and laughter. Their energy levels were ⁠ sky rocketed through the roof, ya hear?"

Naeia's ⁠ lips curved upward. "It brings me a smile knowing that you had a fabulous experience. ⁠ You asking me to be apart of this is something I'll never forget."

"We make a great team," Nathan gave his response with an added, ⁠ amusing wink. "I really enjoyed it when you recited those heartwarming poems to the ⁠ kids. You really do have a way with words that touches hearts." ‌

Naeia's face was rosy and she twiddled her fingers underneath the table. "You're awesome. I like to spread optimism and also try to make a difference in others lives similar to you."  

They had a seamless exchange of words, even aside from books and stories. The conversation revolved around the stunning masterpieces crafted by the kids, ⁠ the contagious laughter, and the delight that engulfed everyone present. Nathan conveyed his desire for them to participate in additional philanthropic gatherings down the line, potentially bringing positive change to the ⁠ lives of those they impacted by leaving a positive influence on the lives of people who crossed their path.

During the ongoing chat, a lively breeze blew ⁠ into Naeia's room, playfully tousling her hair. Giggling, she, combed through her tresses with her fingers and ⁠ mimicked fixing her digital appearance in a teasing manner. ⁠

In a strangely ironic way, the breeze ⁠ intensified, ruthlessly plotting against her. The hat on Naeia's head was forcefully grabbed, ⁠ subsequently, her sunglasses were taken too. For a brief moment, Nathan perceived through the ⁠ mask and beheld her genuine, hexed shape. ‌

Nathan's initial surprise quickly transformed ⁠ into something else—wide-eyed. On Naeia's face, ⁠ one could see the etching of fear from judgment and rejection. ‌

"C-Curly Brow?" Nathan murmured, apparently unable to fully grasp the astonishing sight before him. Naeia knew that Nathan briefly glimpsed at something extraordinary that defied complete comprehension.  

No, no, no! Turn it off! Turn it off!

Panic washed over Naeia like a tidal wave. Acting on impulse, ⁠ she promptly disconnected from the video call, the screen turning dark. Her trembling fingers clutched her phone ⁠ tightly as tears loomed.

Oh my god. Oh my god. He saw! He saw!

She curled up like a pretzel and tugged at her hair. What an idiot she was. Why did she leave that annoying window open? Naeia swore it was her fault that had happened. She should've known mother nature would be against her.

But... maybe she was imagining things? Maybe it was a dream? Maybe her true form wasn't witnessed by him? The⁠ one secret that remained unseen by others. Could he feel disgusted, similar to how many ⁠ others would if he had caught sight of her? Naeia had no idea and she didn't even wanna think about that ordeal.


Honestly, for a long time, I've been feeling very under appreciated and undervalued and even sometimes taken advantage of for my writing and stories. I feel as though I work really hard to bring a lot of people an escape from their struggles and something to make them happy, yet I never get or ask for even a penny for my hard work.

It's just really hard for me to keep working this hard and not get paid for anything. That's why, I'm trying to be honest with everyone when I say that I feel as though if I can't get paid at all for my writing, I feel as though I can no longer keep my fanfics and stories up. Yes, I'm not entitled to anyone's money but I think it's time I finally realize my worth as a writer and act accordingly. I wanna be able to continue to write for y'all but to not get even a penny out of doing this is just too much for me at my age now.

It almost feels overwhelming at times unfortunately. So I would really appreciate it if some of you will show me your support by paying for my chapter for a cheap price. I'm not asking for a lot, but only for what you can afford. I update once a week.


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