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UPDATE: I just started updating this story again and am here to ask if you'll all kindly read my original story. (Well, secret AU Naruto Fanfic lol) It would mean a lot to me if you'd check it out if you haven't read it yet and vote on all chapters so other people who may not be Naruto fans will check the story out. If you need to refresh your memory, you can reread it or if you don't know which character is which, you can scroll down and there will be a list telling you who is who. Again, please check it out. For more information on the story, you can just read this entire post over again ❤️ thank you very much.


Hi, sisters! (Lol jk, I've been watching a lot of James Charles lately 😂) okay no, but seriously, I just came out with a new book: The Loser's Hero.

The story is basically gonna be the continuation of the Konoha high school story I teased in a filler chapter i posted in Light In You but a little different with less cussing. The setting is obviously gonna take place in modern times and the Naruto characters will obviously be hidden with different names and backgrounds. I'll try to keep their personalities similar, but some of their appearances will be different (but I will at least have on trait that'll let you know it's them. Ex: Sakura's character has green eyes and brown hair with pink dye at the ends of it.)

For characters with natural hair and eye colors like Sasuke, I keep it but give them a more realistic hairstyle if they don't already have one obviously 😂. Naruto and Ino are different though, they dye their hair. Naruto dyes his hair black and Ino dyes her hair a dark ombré.

Nia is different in this story too cause I'm going to give her braces, some freckles, nappy hair and I made her plump.

Anyway yeah, some of you already know of this story on my other account and before I tell you the name of the story, I just wanna say a few more thing.

On my Naruto and Gohan stories, I don't usually care for votes and was more wanting to see your comments lol, but since this is a story I'd like to get published one day or have grow just as popular as my Naruto fanfic, having you vote on all the chapters would very much help in getting the story noticed faster so other casual readers will take a look into this book and help make this dream of everyone who wants to see NaruNia secretly on the book shelves dreams get one step closer into making it happen please 😂😂😂

And if we ever managed to get it super successful, have it on the big screens 😭😭😭😭 that's reaching right now lmao but hey, never say never. If the book flops, then damn... at least we tried lol and I can always try a different version of the two and/or write something entirely different that has no connection to any fan fiction. I started writing a couple of those, but I don't think I'll post it on Wattpad.

If that person who got their twilight fan fiction to turn into fifty shades of grey, than anyone can make their fan fiction to happen 💀

Also, I'm not the best writer and I'm still learning so you'll clearly see some mistakes here and there within the story. I consider the one I write on Wattpad to be more of a draft, but unlike my fan fiction on here, I'll be more careful in terms of making writing mistakes. So please guys, if you happen to like the story, the biggest way you can show your support right now is by VOTING ON ALL CHAPTERS! Commenting is very important too, but the number of reads, votes, and chapters are what you see first when looking at stories on here.

If you think the story is trash, it would be greatly appreciated if you can state to me why you don't like it or leave some critics as to help me understand what you believe needs fixing within the plot or writing itself. I've only published one chapter so far, all within 6,000 words. I've got some more in my drafts that'll eventually get published soon.

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