Chapter 33: The Eight Tails' Jinchhuriki

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My account is: TheQueen923 (please follow)
It's a secret fanfiction of this book, just set in a high school setting. Think of it as Konoha High edition. Please make sure to follow and hit the vote button when you read the chàpters. I update every Wednesday and Saturday.
Hi guys! New chapter is finally up. I am doing my best to update this once a week like I used to. Maybe that'll help build up the reads again lol cause I noticed it dropped quite a bit, but that's all right.

Anyway, this is the fight with Killer Bee and Taka. Sorry if not everything is on point, but I tried. Please remember to comment and vote and have a great rest of your day. ❤️


Chapter 33: The Eight Tails' Jinchhuriki

"Are you the host of the eight-tailed beast?" Sasuke asked.

"I think you mean "Mr. eight-tailed beast" and "Mr. host." Killer bee corrected with a smirk.

"I'm going to take you captive." wind blew and the battle has started.

It hadn't taken too long for Team Taka to make it over to the Cloud. Nia observed from atop a pillar of rock as Sasuke and his group were fighting off the Eight-Tails' jinchuuriki: Killer Bee.

All she had to do was wait.

"I'll capture him, Suigetsu, you go right, Jugo, right, Karin watch my back." Sasuke ordered.

"Hmm... I see." Hachibi's smirk widen and he crossed his arms.

"I was right in the middle of an important announcement you stupid idiot!" Killer bee continued to rap and Suigetsu ran towards him while taking his sword out. He swung his sword at Killer bee with a large amount of force that the ground dented in and broke.

"Suigetsu, Akatsuki said not to kill him didn't they?" Jugo reminded him.

"Don't worry. I can feel his chakra." Karin said to Jugo, not taking her eyes off of the scene.

Dust was all over the place, Karin and Jugo covered their face with their cloak so no rock would hit them. Sasuke didn't care about the rocks and he blocked any rocks that came towards him.

"What a fight." Karin said.

The dust cleared out and they could see Hachibi holding Suigetsu's sword and Suigetsu was trying to force it more down.

"I'm the one who can interrupt me. Get outta my way, stupid, or I'll punch you." Killer bee started raping again.

He flung Suigetsu's sword up in the air, "Ugh!" and stabbed onto the ground with a 'ping' sound.

"Stand aside Suigetsu." Jugo said and Suigetsu jumped back, Killer bee picked up the sword and looked through the first hole.

"I'm peeking through... and see you alive..." he looked at Jugo then Sasuke to Suigetsu while rapping, "But ya'll so brainless!"

"Stop joking around!" Jugo ran and attacked.

Killer bee put the first hole round his neck and swung it with his body while doing his rap, "My thirst for blood is my courage...making me so optimistic. My blade are swirlin', but my store's a closin'."

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