Where's The Update?

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Hey guys! ❤️

As we all know by now, I haven't updated in a while — in maybe almost a month now. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy writing this story, but for this past month, I've been rather down about something for some reason.

This story has always helped me to forget about this problem and emotion I've been feeling for a long while, but recently, I just haven't been able to ignore it and it literally took over what I think about and do within my day for the past few weeks.

I'm not going to say what this problem is cause it's rather personal, but it has become a big enough problem to where I just haven't been up to wanting to write this story.

And no... I'm not saying I'm done with this story. I'm just saying I think I've come to the point where I really need to take a break from it to focus on the issues going on in my life. Since 2017, I've been consistently updating and never really gave myself any sort of break.

For now, I just want to focus on this issue I'm having and try to obtain what it is I want out of life. I'm not sure how long I'll be on break for, maybe a month or two, but I'll eventually be back to continue this story. I've already started on Chapter 62, but I haven't gotten that far into it. I may, however, publish that first before I take my break. That or a bonus chapter I've gotten a little further on.

I hope you guys will be able to understand and be patient for my return. I also hope you won't lose interest in this story while I take this time to focus on my mental health.

At the same time though, anything could happen and I could feel a random urge to write again and forget my problem. Just know I'll be back eventually 😊

Anyway, we've got a new one shot that was completed! Here's the information below if you wanna read it:

NAME: AnimeGeek201
BOOK: One Shots
CHÀPTER: A New Year's Celebration - A Naruto and Nia One Shot

That'll be it for now. Please be patient for my return. Remember, I may or may not post the next chapter or the bonus chapter before I officially take my break! Thanks for reading! Goodbye ❤️

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