Chapter 30: Finally

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A/N - Hey guys, I managed to finally get this chapter out but it's very very short. Like I said yesterday, idk what it is, but I can't seem to find the spark in writing this story right now but I am trying.

I'm just so focused on my other story so I can get NaruNia on the shelves for you guys lol. I may need to leave for awhile until I get that situated and I would REALLY LIKE YOU GUYS' SUPPORT ON DARE TO BE DIFFERENT OML 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

I just got my second book publishing company offer and my goodness if we can just bombard that story with votes to get it noticed, y'all would be doing me a huge favor. I just need to focus my time on that.


The Determination: A Naruto Story

Now onto the story

Chapter 30: Finally

"Sasuke... all we ask is for you to return Nia over to us." Shikamaru stood in front of the rest of the group, standing across from Sasuke and his group at the same time.

Nia's gaze on the cavalry was dull. They could tell just from looking at her that something was very wrong.

"No one here is looking for trouble," Sasuke told them. "She's needed right now so unfortunately I'm not allowed to give her back to you. I don't care if Naruto ends up whining about it."

"Yeah, but... What for? Why did you kidnap her?"

"That's none of your business."

Meanwhile, back where the genin was, he somehow managed to sit up and lay his back against the wall. He was still restrained, so he couldn't do much. However, his mind was racing.

If Nia was pregnant, it was over. For so long he had been trying to keep her safe by using that last chance effort, but to have a moment where it could possibly backfire on him? Guilt ate away at him. How could he do such a thing to her?

He just wanted to keep her safe. He just didn't want to risk her dying again. Her sacrifice for him was already hard enough, but to have her murdered while he was laying around unable to help save her? That would be unbearable.

Over and over, he cussed at himself for his actions. If she was pregnant, she would have no way to defend herself. It was already bad enough the Akatsuki took her, but to have her in their clutches without no way to fight cause of her possible pregnancy? That was like adding insult to injury.

"Kakashi-sensei," He called for his sensei.

He had his earbuds in as he slept and thus was unable to hear Naruto at any voice range.



The blonde groaned and leaned back further onto the wall. Why did this all have to happen?

That questioned replayed in his mind over and over.

Again, back over to where Nia was, she stood behind Sasuke and Jugo, who was fiercely ready to keep her at their side.

"I don't care for her, so I plan to return her over to you all once she's-"

"Looks like there's a problem going on," Black Zetsu suddenly sprouted from the ground in between the two groups. "You need help, Sasuke?"

The Uchiha didn't say anything.

"Black Zetsu..." Yamato stared at the creature with disdain.

"You won't be getting Nia back anytime soon," The creature went on to say. "You see... she's not in her right mindset."

Suddenly, the kunoichi stepped forward, eyes completely dull and soulless. A closer inspection of them alarmed the cavalry even more.

Unnoticed by all except one, bugs were crawling the front of her legs where only the rescue team could see them. Since Nia was standing in front of the Akatsuki, they weren't able to catch onto what Shino was doing. All the rest of the group had to do was keep talking a while longer.

"What did you guys do to her?" Shikamaru caught into the plan quickly.

Shino's bugs was escreting a pheromone that would cause the enemies to grow weak with time. It was a skill the ninja had been working on for a while.

Hopefully, they could keep the enemy at bay until Pakkun could reach Kakashi and his group with the information that Nia had been spotted and that it was Sasuke indeed who had kidnapped her... And the information did reach the group.

"Kakashi, Kakashi," Pakkun jumped on his summoner, knowing full well that with his earbuds in, it was nearly impossible to wake him up with his voice alone.

"Pakkun, what's up?!" Naruto answered for him. "Did you guys find her?"

"Yes, we have."

"REALLY?!" The ninja exclaimed. "WELL GET ME OUT OF HERE, YA KNOW! HURRY!"

With the help of the other ninja hounds, Naruto was set free as he hurriedly gathered the others before leaving off, forgetting that he didn't actually know where the girl was.

"Damn, that's right," He stopped atop a tree branch with the others well behind him. "I don't actually know where she even is."

"This way, Naruto!" Hinata's voice called out to him as Naruto realized he was going in the opposite direction.

Damn, I can be so stupid! Well, at least now I'm free from those damn restraints! All I gotta do now is follow the dogs to where Nia is and then rescue her! That's it! I'll find her and beat down whoever it was that took her away from me to begin with.


A/N - That's the end of that! Please check out my other account if you haven't already and please show your support by giving all chapters a vote. I'm updating twice a week for the moment and would really appreciate your love there.

This is a team effort yall lol. We've all talked about getting a secret Naruto fanfiction on the shelves and we may just do it with Dare To Be Different lol.

The more people who show their support and has their friends read and vote too, the better.

Anyway thanks for reading! Please comment and vote and have a great rest of your day!

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3. Have you voted On all chapters of Dare To Be Different (a secret NaruNia fanfiction lol)

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