Chapter 45: Nia's Jealousy

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A/N - Hi guys! I decided to release this chapter a day early. Please comment and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 45: Nia's Jealousy

"Oh, you guys just don't understand. It's hard being away from her," Naruto whined as his team hopped from tree branch to tree branch. "She needs her hero at all times, ya know."

"You really should focus on the mission, Naruto," Sai advised him.

"Yeah, stop thinking and talking about Nia so much. It's annoying," Sakura joined in.

"You're annoying," The ninja mumbled under his breath.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Sakura had heard him.

"GYAH! SAKURA, NO! WAIT!" Naruto would then scream when the girl kicked him down to the ground.

Yamato sighed and shook his head while Sai hopped down to the ground beside his fallen friend.

"I guess you can call that payback from all those times you told everyone the times you banged Nia, wouldn't you say Naruto?"

"What... the hell does that have to do with anything that just happened?" Naruto lifted his dirt covered face from out the ground.

"It's just relieving to see you get knocked out honestly after all the things you be saying and demonstrating." Sai gave another smile. "Remember your hip thrusting?"

"Oh, shut it," The blond climbed back up to his feet and dusted himself off.

"Ugh, what's taking you two so long?" Sakura dropped beside them and placed her hands on her hips. "Naruto, get it together and let's go."

"Sorry that you just kicked me out of the trees..." He replied with a frown.

"Quit whining. You're just fine."

"I can see why you miss Nia. She wouldn't hurt you like Sakura just did," Sai said. "Such a beast you are, Sakura."

"HUH?! WHAT YOU JUST CALL ME?!" The kunoichi lashed out at the black-haired boy, only for Naruto to hold her back as best he could, despite taking a few elbows to the face.

"That's enough out of you three," Yamato came down as well. "We've got a mission to accomplish. Now let's get moving."

"I would like to hear another story about Nia from Naruto."

"Please no," Sakura groaned. "He's talked about her enough, Sai. Don't even get him started."

"I don't care what you talk about as long as we make progress moving forward," Yamato commented. "Let's go."

"Fine," Naruto agreed as the four would move out once more. "I'll tell another story."

"This better not be another sex story. Tell one of those again and I'll let Nia know what you've been telling everyone," Sakura threatened.

Naruto shook his head. "No, it's not that. Well..."

Sakura shot a glare.

"I'm joking... kinda," The ninja sweatdropped. "This story actually involves you, Sakura."


Naruto nodded.

"Yeah. You see, before you met her, Nia used to get so upset whenever I brought you up in our conversations."

"You mean you would talk about me?"

"Yep. Maybe I can tell you the story and you can tell me why she was getting all upset about it. Even till this day, I don't know why it bothered her so much."

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