Chapter 26: Kiba's Confession To Naruto

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A/N - Hi guys, I just found a solution to the problem I was having. I realized that maybe I was getting a little tired of writing chapters bc I just write TOO much for ONE chapter each time. Like I usually always be writing at least 6,000+ words for chapters.

So, I figured that maybe if I cut that to 2,000-4,000 words a chapter, I would be able to update much more frequently and y'all won't have to wait so long. I'm gonna try and see if that will help and if it doesn't... oof 💀

So I cut unnecessary things I had in this chapter and chopped it up to about 3,000 words so I'll be able to update for you all. And to make this story go faster, I may or may not cut out or skip a bunch of things that happened in the series since we've already seen them (the reason why you won't be reading Jiraiya saying goodbye to Tsunade in this for example: go watch it on YT lol)

Anyway, I would appreciate the comments and votes ❤️ also, in case you haven't noticed, I've posted about one of my original ideas I had when making this fan fiction for the first time back in 2015. If you were one of my readers from waaaay back in the beginning and had been wondering what the hell happened to when Nia had a "crush" on someone before meeting Naruto, y'all can go to my first story and read the most recent update on that since a lot of you had been asking me about it for a long time now.

Enjoy the chap!


Chapter 26: Kiba's Confession To Naruto

"Lady Tsunade, you've returned," Shizune stood by the Hokage's desk as she watched the blonde walk in the office through the door. "How was your day spent with Master Jiraiya?"

"He's... heading over to where he believes the leader of the Akatsuki is hiding as we speak," The woman answered, slowly approaching her desk.

Shizune gasped.

"You never told me he's figured out their hiding spot. Are you sure it's safe for him to leave by himself?!"

"To be honest with you... I'm not sure," There was an ache in Tsunade's tone. "He was insistent on journeying off there... Let's... just hope he makes it back in one peace..."

The black orbs or Shizune expressed concern as she observed the look of absolute worry being displayed from Tsunade to her longtime close friend, Jiraiya.

'Everything I've ever gambled on has never been in my favor...' The Hokage closed her eyes and thought of the sight of watching her old teammate walk away into the sunset. 'I just hope that you're right about me betting that you won't come back... so that... the complete opposite can happen and you can return. I don't know what I'd do, if... If I lost you also...'

In the darkness of night, Yamato had constructed a house for everyone to get a night's worth of rest after he and a few of the others had spotted Naruto lying on the ground unconscious, having had been ensnarled in genjutsu by the enemy and having had to snap him out of the illusion he was experiencing.

Currently, he was sulking in a room with Kiba, who's midsection was wrapped with gauze, after having had a mind controlled Nia assault him earlier.

"Dammit!" Naruto banged the side of his curled fists on the wall as his head leaned against as well. "I just... I just don't understand! Of course all that was genjutsu! I thought I had really found her, ya know!"

"You acting up all night won't do her any favors," Kiba scolded him, resting his arm over his wound to help ease the pain. "Get some sleep, Naruto and just be thankful Sakura snapped you out from that genjutsu. What're you gonna do when you catch up to the enemy, yet are exhausted from having not slept at all for the past two days? Nia would be as good as dead, don't you think?"

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