Chapter 57: Nia's Prophesied Fate - Life... Or Death?

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A/N - YOOOO! We've made it to that part of the story you guys! THE PROPHECY! Geez, it took me freaking TWO YEARS to finally getting around to revealing Nia's fate. Will she live... Or will she perish?

This chapter has over 14 THOUSAND WORDS! If you really wanna get emotionally invested in this chapter, be sure to read through EVERYTHING! Also guys, huge shout out to lestina118 for helping me with a small part of this.

Anyway, PLEASE remember to comment and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 57: Nia's Prophesied Fate - Life... Or Death?

"Haah... Haah..." Nia panted as she was hiding in what was a cellar, a stream of blood dripping from her temple down her face.

A deep wound was sliced in the flesh of her upper right arm. It heavily oozed out blood and there was a bluish-purple bruise forming around it. She lightly pressed her index finger against the center of the cut and sucked in a sharp breath as the pain spiraled all across her body. Colorful spots contoured the sides of her eyes and she had to bite her lip from the pain of it all.

Time passed slowly. Nia stayed hidden within the darkness, feeling every beat of her heart pounding on the cold stone she laid upon. The wine and ale cellar was as quiet as it was dark, with only one sound to be heard; the sound of her own pulse throbbing in her ears. Suddenly, the serenity of silence surrendered to the deathly scream of hinges, as the door opposite her was slowly prised open. A narrow stream of light gracefully meandered through the room, and a shadow quickly followed.

She was scared and held her breath, daring not to make a sound. Each second seemed to last an eternity as she lay perfectly still listening to the footsteps of the intruder, which had muted the pounding of her pulse.

"Don't you grow bored of this cat and mouse game?" The dark voice spoke. "You're only stalling your death. Why not get it over and done with?"

Tears filled the girl's eyes. All she wanted was to live in a world of peace. All she wanted was to not have her or anyone else be hunted down by someone or something. She wanted to live in a world that could only be described as a fantasy world.

But this was her reality - someone wanted to kill and spill her blood.

She had tried to confront her attacker for the sake of the villagers, so that they and their children would have enough time to escape from the onslaught. However, all her jabs and kicks would only go right through the person - she couldn't land a single hit. Not even her ninjutsu could do anything.

"Found you," Zetsu suddenly sprouted from the ground in front of the girl causing her to shriek.

Quickly, she kicked it in the face and stood up, running off while holding her wounded arm.

That's when the racks of wine she was hiding behind moments ago suddenly exploded. Glass and liquid flew everywhere, piercing the walls and wooden floors alike. A few shards of glass struck the girl's body as she winced in pain. However, her legs kept moving.

She was more or less limping as she ran.

Her breath came in small spurts, hot and nervous. Behind her, she could hear the approaching footsteps of her enemy. Mud smeared her sweaty face as sweat dripped from her matted hair.

"Please just leave me alone!" She cried aloud, throwing herself forward with even greater abandon.

Her lungs and heart were pumping, but the air didn't seem to be enough as she limped forward, panic trembling in her exhausted limbs.

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