Funny Gifs Representing This Fanfic

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Hi guys, this isn't a chapter obviously, but I wanted to share something with you. First as you see above, I've made a new cover for this story and my first book.

How do you like it?

Also, so me and one of my readers (you know who you are lol) were joking around yesterday and we came up with some of the funniest/sweetest gifs that relate to NaruNia or this fanfic in general and I thought I'd put some in and some new ones I've came up with myself.

So here we go...


1. Nia when Naruto finally told her he loved her

 Nia when Naruto finally told her he loved her

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2. Naruto when Nia needs to vent her sadness to him

 Naruto when Nia needs to vent her sadness to him

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3. Naruto the morning after he lost his virginity

 Naruto the morning after he lost his virginity

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4. When Naruto bangs Nia

 When Naruto bangs Nia

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