Chapter 16: The Will Of Fire🔥

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A/N - FINALLY I CAN BRING YOU GUYS THIS CHAPTER! ITS BEEN FOREVER!!! I had a lot of action in this chapter originally, but I had to cut that out and put it into the next chapter cause it just got too long.

So this chapter doesn't really have action, but the story is progressing so there's that. Also there's a very important question I have for you all to answer at the end of this chapter so please be sure to read that and give me your opinion.

Please consider commenting and voting and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 16: The Will Of Fire 🔥

"Ninja Art: Web Of Blades!" Fuyuka whipped her arms as webs, in the shape of half-disk like blades, came from out of it.

"Everyone, scatter!" Kakashi ordered as everyone jumped into the air just as the attack stuck right into the ground.

"Don't think you can get away just like that!" The woman's webs unglued themselves from the ground and went flying at its individual targets, one catching Iruka and quickly wrapping him up.

Naruto, who was behind the guy, hollered his name as he attempted to save his old teacher by ripping through the webs with his kunai. However, like with the others, he was electrocuted on the spot and was sent flying backwards. Having been focused on that, Fuyuka didn't notice as Jiraiya elongated his hair and used it to smack against her hip, causing her to crash hard to the streets of Konoha.

"Kakashi!" He then shouted as the older man created lighting around his hand.

Aiming it down at the enemy, he attempted to use the jutsu to finish her off, only for the woman to roll over, thus avoiding her end. Kipping up, she spun around and kicked against the back of Kakashi's head before moving her neck to the side and grabbing Naruto's arm as he attempted to ambush her from behind in vain then threw him over herself and making the genin headbutt his sensei in the back.

Just when she became full of herself, wood sprouted beneath her feet and wrapped itself around her legs.

"Got you!" Yamato was pleased over capturing his opponent. "Master Jiraiya!"

"I don't think so!" Fuyuka held her arms forward, having them turn into webs themselves and ensnaring the sannin within them.

Unfortunately for her, a log had taken Jiraiya's place and with a strong right hand, the man knocked the enemy to the ground face first before squatting down, turning her over, and gripping her collar.

"Give it up!" He told her. "I'd hate to rearrange this beautiful face of yours."


"What?" The man jolted when Fuyuka poofed into smoke as the one he thought he knocked over was actually a clone. The real one came dropping down from the sky with a menacing grin and a fist ready to crack a skull.

Instinctively, Jiraiya hopped out of the way as the woman halted herself before connecting her pulling her fist back and gracefully straightening herself and landing on her feet.

Having recovered from their collision against one another, Kakashi and Naruto risen to their feet, ready for another round.

Meanwhile, Nia and Shikamaru were observing the battle from a safe alleyway.

"Did you see all that?" The older guy glanced over at the girl as she nodded.

"Yeah... it really doesn't look like she has any weaknesses. I mean, she's like a whole step ahead of them with each plan they put into action."

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