Chapter 42: Naruto's Troublesome Urge 🍋

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A/N - This chapter took so long to make, but it's finally here. ALSO, yes... This is a lemon-ish chapter and oml yall, the last time I made a lemon was back in February. SIX MONTHS AGO! I have done my lemon lovers wrong so because it's been sooooo long, this chapter and maybe even next chapter will be lemons.

Please remember to comment and vote and have a great time reading ❤️


Chapter 42: Naruto's Troublesome Urge 🍋

"Ughhh..." Naruto groaned as he and Nia walked hand in hand behind the others in the darkness of night through the forest.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Nia questioned as Sakura looked over her shoulder.

"Quit groaning and keep walking, Naruto," Sakura scolded him.

This only made him frown.

"You didn't have to interrupt our moment like that, Sakura..."

"You can't just suddenly wander off without letting the rest of us know. Of course I was angry at you for stranding off just randomly."

"You could've knocked..."

"Listen Naruto," The girl halted in front of the two. "You know not to do something like that in case of an emergency. I wish you could get that through that peanut-sized brain of yours."

"Sakura, you don't need to talk down on him like that," Nia defended him. "Besides, it's not like he stranded off by himself or anything."

"Nia," Sakura sighed, shook her head, and rested her hands on her hips. "What're we gonna do with you? You can't keep defending Naruto's bad behavior. You're helpless when it comes to him."

"My hero did nothing wrong," Nia brought herself to his chest and gently gripped his jacket, looking over her shoulder at Sakura.

"Haah..." The pink-haired girl facepalmed.

"Pisses me off too," Kiba joined in with his arms crossed. "Naruto gets away with everything."

"My hero does not need to hear all this."

"Oh yes he does," Kiba replied. "And quit calling him your hero. If you wanna know who really saved you, you're looking at him right now."

A vein throbbed at Naruto's temple.

"You trynna say you're her hero or something, Kiba?!"

"Considering I was the one who found her first: Yes, I am going to say-"

"You better stop joking around," The blonde wrapped an arm around Nia's waist, bringing her even closer to him. "You being her hero is a joke! The only guy who can and should play that role is yours truly, ya know!"

"Whatever, man," Kiba rolled his eyes.

"Enough of that," Yamato jumped into the frey. "We're gonna rest right here for the time being and move back out in an hour or so."

And so, the group took to doing just that. A fire laid out as they circled around it. However, Naruto and Nia were sitting behind them against a tree with Nia in the open space of Naruto's lap and her back against his chest.

'Damn, I can't,' Naruto adjusted his pants as it was beginning to feel uncomfortable to him. 'This is too much. It's been a whole week and after going through all that trouble and stress to get her back, I'm not allowed to just hold her? That's... ugh, it's hard. My dick is hard. It won't go soft. I can't take it.'

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