Chapter 67: Naruto's Pain

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A/N - Hey y'all! I'm here with another chapter! Sorry I took so long but I've decided that I'm just gonna take my time with these chapters now that I'm at the point where I gotta write down scenes in the anime.

Please consider commenting and voting and enjoy ❤️ there's also two videos for you at the end when you're finished reading ☺️


Chapter 67: Naruto's Pain

"Iruka..." Tears spilled from Nia's eyes as she held onto her lifeless cousin.

"RAAAAAAAAWRR!" She then heard a roar as a huge column of blood red chakra exploded from Naruto.

Naruto appeared, in Kyuubi's four-tailed form.

"Do you hate me?" asked Pain calmly.

The Nine-Tails then conjures a twister, which Pain is able to nullify with his almighty push. The Nine-Tails was able to break the very earth up and hurled it at Pain, who was able to evade most of it, although he suffered a punch from the four-tailed Naruto and was subsequently buried by the debris. Pain emerged, and Naruto's transformation escalated, causing him to grow two more tails and gain a skeletal appearance.

"NARUTOOOOO!" Nia screamed as she watched in horror at how far her boyfriend had transformed.

She set Iruka down and gave chase, not being aware of the danger she would be in from doing so.

"NO! YOU MUSTN'T, BIG SIS!" Konohamaru and a member of the Hyuga clan, Hiro, made their way to her.

Again, they restrained her as Nia fought to get herself free from their grasp.

"Come on! You have to let me go this time!" She hollered. "Don't you see what's happened to Naruto?! He's transformed again!"

"We know and that's exactly why we can't let you chase after him!" Hiro argued, Nia's elbow pressing against his cheek.

Meanwhile, Pain proceeded to destroy the ground beneath them, unleashing the water beneath.

In his six-tailed form, the Nine-Tails continued his assault on Pain, firing Continuous Tailed Beast Balls which Pain managed to deflect with almighty push. The tailed beast then decided to stop its attack; as Pain wondered if that was all the beast was capable of, the Nine-Tails takes advantage of Pain's five-second interval to fire more Continuous Tailed Beast Balls, striking Pain.

That was when the first hokage's necklace attempted to restrain the Nine-Tails' chakra and revert the transformation, only for the Nine-Tails to rip the necklace off and destroy it.

"D-Did you see that?" Nia was trembling as she watched the battle from afar. "That necklace.... That necklace was the only means to turn Naruto back if something like this were to happen to him..."

"And now it's destroyed..." Konohamaru's eyes quivered.

"Exactly!" Nia once more struggled to let herself loose. "That's why I have to go help him! I have to go help him before it's too late."

"But there's nothing you can do!" Hiro replied.

"Maybe if he just sees me... maybe if he just heard what I have to say, it'll reach him and he'll turn back!" The girl believed.

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