Chapter 14: The Darkness In A Once Pure Heart: Hinata vs Nia

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A/N - Hey you all! For anyone whose been waiting for the action to finally be served, well here you go. It all starts this chapter. Please consider commenting and voting. They're very much appreciated ❤️

It's a secret fanfiction of this book, just set in a high school setting. Think of it as Konoha High

Enjoy ☺️


Chapter 14: The Darkness In A Once Pure Heart: Hinata vs Nia

"Ugh!" Nia stumbled backward and leaned against a metal trash can with an elbow on the lid while she used her hand to wipe away some blood from her lip after receiving a strong right hand from Hinata.

"I... was the one who was there for him when no one cared for him..." The Hyuga slowly approached her opponent, cutting through a dark alley. "You have no idea how bad the villagers treated Naruto when we were younger. You weren't there to see how hard he's worked to get to where he is now like I've observed."

'T-This is crazy...' Nia thought to herself as she immediately lifted the garbage lid and used it as a shield when Hinata attempted to try her version of the sixty-four palms on the girl, though she couldn't completely master it like her cousin Neji. 'Even though I know she's being manipulated by Fuyuka's jutsu like Naruto was, if she's sharing her anger to me like this, there has to be some truth to it! Fuyuka has always dug into someone's misfortune and used her power to triple the amount of negative emotions within one's heart and bring forth those powerful feelings to the surface and have them act out on it!'

Having been distracted by her own thoughts, Nia was unaware that she left her midsection wide open and payed for that mistake as Hinata took that chance to knee her right in the gut and caused the kunoichi to keel over before receiving yet another blow below her chin with the Hyuga's open palm, sending her flying backward on her back across the dirt.

"Ah," She sat up and rested her hand on her chin with her other hand still tightly grasping the garbage lid. "Damn, I bit my tongue when she did that... I need to be more aware or I'm done for."

Her opponent made her way over to her as Nia stood back up. The two staring dead at the other's eyes.

"Why is it that you've managed to catch his eye and not me?" Hinata questioned. "I've loved him since we were children. I was the one who was supposed to be his girlfriend right now, not you."

"Okay, okay, I get it... you feel entitled because you liked him way before I ever did... so what? I forged a strong bond with him within the first half year of me getting to know him than you ever did in the span of your entire life."

Hearing this, the Hyuga turned her head for a brief moment before snapping it back at her enemy and connecting her hand to her face, resulting in an open-handed smack. The slap was as loud as a clap and stung Nia's face.

Clutching her cheek as it was throbbing, Nia's temper flared.

"You stay away from Naruto," Hinata then pushed against the girl's chest hard, making Nia take a few steps back.. "He's not yours to have. I'm the one who should be with him! Not you."

Word after word that flowed from her lips thereafter angered the Umino girl more by the second. Her patience was running out and rage boiled through her body. She barely had a chance to think of her actions. The only thought running through her head was getting the Hyuga to shut up.

She approached the girl again, pursed her lips and raised her hand back then threw it forward and whipped it across her opponent's face. The crack of skin contacting skin echoed throughout the alleyway. Vibrations of pain started in her palm and spread all the way to her finger tips. The kunoichi's palm was bright red, the same red mark that matched the one on Hinata's face. The Hyuga stared at Nia with widened eyes as her hand slowly made it to her fire red cheek and realized she just got served a taste of her medicine.

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