Chapter 24: Naruto's Dark Secret

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A/N - It's done! And oh, you guys.. some of y'all got confused with last chapter. When Nia "stabbed" Naruto and told him she "cheated" on him when in reality she never did, he was experiencing genjutsu placed on him by Black Zetsu. This chapter continues into that. The reason Nia stabbed Kiba is because she's under Obito's control and the reason she seemed to have ratted out on Naruto at the end of last chapter, was cause Obito was forcing her to speak out of her own will with his sharingan or whatever. He was extracting information out of her.

Hope that cleared things up! Please comment and vote and enjoy ❤️

Oh and this chapter is pretty dark. Don't take everything in it seriously though.


Chapter 24: Naruto's Dark Secret

"STAY STILL ALREADY!" Nia shouted as she wildly swung a chakra blade, determined to cut through Naruto's flesh.

Naruto still hadn't learned that he was only in genjutsu and that everything being done and said to him weren't real. The illusion of Nia he was facing was nothing more than a figment of everything he feared for her to turn out as. Black Zetsu was only trying to keep him away from Sasuke's group and the actual Nia that followed him around.

Naruto kept sidestepping and evading the illusion girl's attempts to strike him down.

"Nia, just calm down already!" The blonde yelled, ducking before springing back up and grabbing her by her wrist. "Tell me... who made you this way?! I refuse to believe you're truly like this! There's no way that can be possible! Who triggered you?!"

"Ugh! This is exactly why I hate you! You never ever take me seriously! I've been this way the whole time!" The girl opted to using her free hand to attack but only got it to be caught by her opponent.

Naruto glared daggers into her eyes as Nia struggled to free her hands from him.

"I'm serious, Nia! What happened?!"

Responding with a headbutt, the ninja barely dodged as the kunoichi tossed her weapon to her left hand and attempted cutting him open though only managed to nearly scathe his cheek, as Naruto was capable of keeping some sort of distance.

This was what the illusion was built on, attacking and forcing her opponent to a corner. To really toy with him, she shifted her feet, giving the impression she was going to throw a kick. And Naruto fell for it...

The ninja took a bigger jump back, and was hit with a powerful punch to the stomach as a result. However, Nia didn't stop there. The force stunned the blonde, but it didn't launch him. The kunoichi smirked, and unleashed a flurry of haymakers, uppercuts, gut checks, and hooks to any vulnerable point she could find, and in rapid succession.

On the final punch, Nia held her fist back, a look of nearly sadistic malice painted her face as she prepared to knock the genin out.

On instinct, Naruto crouched albeit in pain due to his stab wound done from the girl earlier, then barely dodged the oncoming blade aimed for his neck. With a glare, he turned and threw a few shuriken, trying to knock the kunai out of Nia's hand yet frowned as she simply caught it and threw it back, hitting his headband rather than the skin. The jumpsuit wearing shinobi clicked his tongue and tried to come up with a plan, only to be forced to jump to the side as his opponent swung downward in attempt to cleave him in half, ripping the branch behind him with ease.

The girl didn't seem to give up despite the blonde having gone into hiding. Gripping the handle, she swung the chakra blade once more, the pressure from the swing taking down multiple trees for twenty-seven meters. Naruto didn't get the chance to react as he landed and was forced instead to dodge the timbering chunks of wood that threatened to turn him into a ninja pancake.

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