Chapter 11: Tainted Light

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Chapter 11: Tainted Light

'It's been four days and he still refuses to talk to me...' Nia was sitting in her bed with her back against the wall and her knees tucked to her chest with her head down. 'I feel so damn alone when he's not with me. I feel so horrible that he feels so sad. I wanna make him feel better, but he won't let me. He completely shut me out of his life over something I didn't even do. I should be pissed at him. I should be infuriated that he won't believe me, yet here I am balling my eyes out and still fucking hopelessly in love with him. Ugh! I'm such a loser, but I can't help but feel the way I do. I like him so much, it's unbearable! I still think he's damn perfect for some reason! Ughhh!'

Hearing the ticking of her clock, Nia turned her head to read that it was only about 9:00 P.M.

I wonder if he ate the dinner I made him, placed in a container, then left at his doorstep already? He's been eating the breakfast, lunch, and dinner I made him the past few days, but still... I can't help but worry over him. What if he goes to bed hungry? What if all he has is ramen? What if he's hurt so bad that he takes my cooking and throws it in his trash each time? My poor baby... he doesn't deserve all this. What am I gonna do? I can't get over him. Me getting over him is like him giving up on Sasuke or him giving up on being hokage — it's damn impossible. I'm screwed... hopeless!

I tried so hard in this relationship. Since the moment I realized I liked him, I have been busting my ass just to get him to notice me. Nonstop, I've invested my time and energy into this whole thing.

I cook, I clean, I message his feet or just wherever, I scratch his back or wherever else, I run him a bath or start a warm shower for him, I do his laundry, I comfort him when he's feeling down, I listen to him whenever he needs an ear, I help him with anything and everything, I write love letters, I never ask for any gifts, I usually pay for my own bill during dates and I still remember when I had to pay for our very first date cause he forgot to grab his money from the hokage, I freaking saved my money and helped transform his whole damn apartment, I rejected a hot prince that was loaded and shockingly obsessed with me, I stay loyal and faithful, I don't lie to him, I dress up in those embarrassing costumes for him whenever he wants me to, I always try new positions in bed he wants to do and speak naughty to him whether I feel embarrassed or dirty to please him, I let him cum freaking anywhere he wants all the damn time and let him go for as long as he likes, I've practically never said no to sex and when I do we end up doing it anyway, I pretty much let him bang me anywhere even if I feel disgusting and embarrassed, I let him try new things in bed, and I freaking gave my life so he could live and even after all that, I never EVER asked for anything in return!

Nia then sighed heavily.

When someone talks bad of him, I defend him. When Kiba was being absolutely ruthless, cruel, and hateful toward me cause he thought I was hideous and didn't deserve anyone or anything, I stood up to him and I stood up for the relationship — I never gave up on it. Even when he attacked me and hurt me terribly, I forgave him for Naruto's sake so that he wouldn't be stressed out. Even though I felt out of place and too hideous, I still went out of my way to be friends with his friends when I was scared they would think horrible of me or less of him because he's not with someone everyone considers beautiful.

I've become more kind, more forgiving, more merciful, more courageous, less judgmental, more empathetic, more understanding, more patient, more happy, more accepting, and just so much more because of him. I've gotten over my fear of heights and my fear of spiders, for the most part, because of him. I've became such a better and resilient person cause of him... so much so that I considered him as my hero. How the hell do you get over someone or something that impacted the hell out of your life? That made you stronger, happier, kinder, and accepting of yourself? Someone that made you smile again after the world brought you to the deepest depression you've ever had?
I just... can't bring myself to-

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