Chapter 62: The Awaited Moment

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A/N - Hey guys!!! 😃


So I've gotten myself in the mood to finish writing this chapter. Important thing to say though, I've gotten to the point of the fanfic where I'll be following the events of the show for the most part but I'm not sure if you guys want me to summarize the scenes in the anime or write them out as I go like I did in my Gohan dbz movies rewritten fanfic.

I'm not very eager to do something like that for my naruto story but ig I'll just have to if it comes down to it. I may just only summarize the unimportant parts and rewrite the important scenes just to give this story more depth to it. I'll definitely be writing scenes where Nia's in it or where something didn't actually happen in the anime.

As for my mental health, I've been doing better but I may still need to take more of my break. Just the fact that I was able to finish this chapter is a good sign that my motivation is coming back. I just really hope you guys show your love and appreciation for this story.

Please remember to comment and vote and enjoy!


Chapter 62: The Awaited Moment

"You're so beautiful, Nia," Naruto gently grabbed Nia's fingers and raised it high, twirling her around before bringing her close to him, wrapping his arms around her. "Your hero loves you."

"I'm so happy to be able to be with you again, Naruto," Nia smiled against his chest.

"I'm happy to spend more of my days with you too," Naruto had tears dripping down his face as he kissed the top of Nia's head. "Pervy Sage brought you back to me, huh?"

Nia nodded.

"It was all because of him we get to have another chance at being together."

"I'm just... so relieved," The genin whimpered. "I... I thought I lost you forever. I was devastated."

"No one nor anything could ever separate us for all of eternity," Nia made eye contact with him, her eyes sparkling. "Not even death could keep us apart."

"Oh Nia," The blond held onto her tighter. "I'm so glad you're here with me. I thought I'd die without you and my babies."

"I love you, Naruto," The girl brushed her lips against his.

Naruto returned the kiss for a brief moment before pulling away, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"I just feel so, so..." He sniffled, unable to contain his emotions. "Happy. Your hero is so happy."

This made Nia grin.

"This time... we really will be together for all eternity."

"I'll never lose you like that again," Naruto told her, his lips curving upward though his cheeks were tear-stained.

"My hero will always do his best to protect me."

"He will always protect you."

"My hero makes me feel so safe and happy," Nia expressed.

Naruto cupped her cheeks.

"And my sweetheart makes me feel on top of the world."

"Mwah!" Nia gave the young man another kiss on the lips.

Naruto reddened and gazed at her.

She was really right here with him. She was really in front of him smiling the same smile he loved. His sweetheart was alive and well.

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