Chapter 90: Naruto's Goodbye... To Nia

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A/N - Hey guys! So there's OFFICIALLY ten chapters left until we finish this book! Omg I can't believe I'm toward the end! I'm so shook I managed to get this far with the book.

Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 90: Naruto's Goodbye... To Nia

"Oh, come on!" Naruto groaned. "Just tell me if you're a boy or girl, ya know."

Naruto was in the middle of confronting the armadillo, whom was in love with him, about their gender, as well as all the other animals.

"She's shy, Naruto," Bee told him. "Just call it a girl."

"I mean, it does look like a girl," Nia commented.

"Doesn't mean they are one though," Naruto replied, before jumping onto its back. "I mean, look at this! The kanji written on its shell thing says male."

"Maybe it's just the pattern," Bee reasoned.

Naruto frowned.

Nia sweat dropped.

He's taking this fake mission so seriously... but I guess... he does think it's an S rank one though... so it kinda makes sense...

As Naruto continued on, outside was another story. A giant purple snake had attacked the island turtles tail, causing it to scream so loud, it was heard miles away by the Tsuchikage and his subordinates, who had ambushed Kabuto and a reanimated Deidara. Soon, things would get bad as the snaked attacked the back of the turtle, causing the entire place to shake.

"What the hell?" Naruto said as he was on the ground after falling.

"Baby..." Nia groaned as she also had fell to her bottom.

"Sweet Nia, come here," The blond told her, to which she did, but just as she made it to him, the island had suddenly flipped, causing everyone to free fall.

"Kyaaaa!" Nia screamed as this happened.

"NIAAA!" Naruto immediately wrapped his arms around her and turned over so that he'd be the one to hit the ground first.

"Wood style: Deep Forest Emergence!" Yamato performed a few hand seals as bushes began to appear, giving everyone some cushion to fall into.

When they had, Naruto checked on Nia, to which she said she was fine.

"The hell is going on today?!" He questioned.

"I can't believe it, but it seems the heavens and the earth really did trade places, fool ya fool," Bee replied.

Naruto stood up and his eyes spotted the armadillo who was on their back, their digit showing to the entire world.

"HAH! I KNEW IT!" Naruto exclaimed, while the rest of the animals who sought for the armadillo's attention had tears streaming down their faces. "You know the entire world might flip over, but a male is still a male."

"Aheheheheeeh," Nia chuckled before sweatdropping at the sight.

Now... I guess there's no reason for me to fight over Naruto with that thing.

Yamato would go on to scold Naruto, but Aoba reminded him that what Naruto was doing was supposed be a fake S rank mission. The men knew that something was going on outside but also knew that they had to maintain their cover story for the sake of the jinchuurikis.

A few minutes later, the island vibrated again and Naruto had he and Nia bend down, his arms over her head to protect her from any debris that might've fallen. When the shaking stopped, he and Nia approached Yamato, Aoba, and Matoi.

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