Chapter 10: The Last Straw

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A/N - Hi everyone, I'll be sidetracked this weekend, so I've just decided to post this chapter today. Please consider commenting and voting! It does very much mean a lot to me and I really appreciate it! Enjoy ❤️


Chapter 10: The Last Straw

"Fuyuka... or that Hanshin guy, huh? Ah! You're right! I totally forgot that chick can read minds like that!" Naruto gasped once he read what Nia had written on the ground. "Yeah... everything makes sense now... I can see that happening... but... how did you escape?"

"They mistaken me to be one of these "guardians" or so they called it," Akihiko explained. "It was indeed frightening and nearly more than I could suffice, my peasants. I remember waking up in a dark abyss with no one in sight. The only thing I could see or feel was the stone that surrounded me and caged bars that kept me from leaving. I remember hearing voices discussing about certain individuals and how they were going to capture or kill them."

"Wait so, they mistaken you as a target?" Kiba inquired. "If that's true then what you're saying is that they let you go? Are they even capable of such mercy?"

"Shockingly yes, but ever since then, I had returned to my village, yet was struck with dismay upon arrival."

Kakashi rested his hands in his pockets. "What happened?"

"Miss Nia!" He pointed at the girl, making her flinch. "She was no longer within the grounds of my palace! That low-class genin robbed her from me!"

"You're delusional, ya know!" The blonde gently brought Nia to his chest and made sure she wasn't facing the prince. "You always think she secretly wants you when she's already told you to get lost! Give it up already!"

Wanting to face the front, Nia attempted to lightly push away from the young man's chest only for him to hold her even tighter to him, preventing her from turning back around.

'I don't wanna be held right now,' She thought to herself as she kept trying to gently push away yet was unable to verbally say so as her voice was lost due to having strep throat.

"Nia, stop moving around so much," Naruto noticed this and wouldn't let her go. "I'm trying to protect you right now, 'kay?"

'But I can protect myself just fine, Naruto...' She said in her mind.

"Peasants, look for yourselves," The prince laughed. "She's dying to be in my arms! Look at how desperately she's trying to escape the blonde one's arms."

"I mean, he kinda has a point, Naruto," Kiba teased. "She looks like she doesn't want you holding her at all, man."

"Oh, shut up. Of course she wants to be held right now. She always does. Isn't that right, cupcake?"

Kiba cringed. "Please stop with the nicknames..."

"ACK! ACK! ACK!" Nia started coughing once more as Naruto became overly concerned and began making his way though everyone.

"Sorry, but you guys are gonna have to fill us in on everything later. I need to get Nia to the hospital asap!"

"My queen!" Akihiko followed the two back into the village. "What ever is the matter with her? Why is she wearing a doctor mask?"

Ignoring him, Naruto continued on his way to the hospital.

There, Nia would get checked on as it would be determined that she did have strep throat and a bit of a fever. Because Naruto wouldn't stop making such a fuss on how she couldn't speak, Tsunade herself came down to use his medical ninjutsu to restore the girl's throat to a more healthy state. However, she did also suffer from a high fever and was allowed to spend the day in bed there.

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