Chapter 79: A Day Of Praise

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A/N - Hey guys! This is the fastest I came out with a chapter in a while. I really hope you like it!

Please remember to comment and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 79: A Day Of Praise

"No one should take on Sasuke! Not with the way he is now, ya know!" Naruto warned his friends as he had his arm around Nia's waist, holding her to his chest.

They were all gathered around at a disclosed area with piles of wood around them.

"Just what do you mean?" Neji questioned with his arms folded as he leaned against the wood.

"That i'm the only one who can fight him, and that's all I can say," Naruto answered.

"Yeah? Great! Thanks! That tells us nothing about what happened with you guys out there!" Tenten complained as she stood next to Neji.

"You have to explain," Neji urged. "What happened?"

Naruto only responded, "I'll tell you everything when I can. I promise."

"There you go again; giving us the run around!" Kiba snarled. He and Akamaru were lying atop the pile of wood, looking down at everyone.

The Inuzuka narrowed his eyes on Nia.

"Oh, I know! We can all just ask Nia! I'm sure she'll give us the rundown! I mean, she's Naruto's girlfriend! There's no way he hadn't told her yet."

"What? But I-" Nia opened her mouth before Naruto interjected.

"My sweet Nia has no clue what's going on with Sasuke. I haven't told her what exactly happened back there yet. She's as in the dark about it as you all are, ya know."

"What?" Shikamaru raised an eyebrow. "You haven't even told your girlfriend? The soon-to-be mother of your children?"

Nia tensed, but Naruto tightened his hold on her.

"Nia doesn't need to be involved in all of this. She's pregnant - therefore, she shouldn't be stressing herself about anything. Leave her out of this," the blond pleaded.

"Damn it!" Kiba spat. "We're getting nowhere with this!"

Sakura focused on Naruto, her mind recalling Naruto's words just before they parted with their old Uchiha teammate.

"So Sasuke... How about it? Can you tell me what it is i'm thinking right now? Can you... read my mind? And can you... understand that if you and I fight eachother... we'll both die!?

'Naruto...' The pink haired girl thought. 'What are you hiding?'

"Well," Naruto breathed. "Just leave all this to me. Trust me, guys..."

With that, he laced Nia's fingers in his and started walking off with her.

"Come on. Let's go, sweetie," He told her gently.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Kiba yelled. "You can't just leave!"

"Naruto..." Shikamaru groaned.

"Hey! Naruto!" Neji tried to stop his friend also.

Naruto only ignored them.

"Baby..." Nia spoke, looking at her boyfriend. "Everyone's really just concerned and curious about what happened. Don't you think... you should tell them?"

Naruto kept his eyes forward.

"I will... eventually."

The couple furthered along until they were in the streets of Konoha. Eyes began to look in their direction, making Nia feel uncomfortable.

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