Chapter 81: Meeting As Little Children

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A/N - Hey guys! As usual, sorry for taking so long to update this book! I've just been so busy working on my original story and getting it ready to query. Speaking of which! HUGE NEWS!

The last chapter of The Loser's Hero will be going up tomorrow, but sometime after the 24th or 25th of this month, I will most like be taking the story down in order to query to literary agents. I also have a Twitter if you guys wanna follow me.

Twitter: @TaniaJanae923

I will be participating on a event on the 25th in the hopes of getting one step closer to getting my book published.

Also, here's another fanart by Lenacringe.

Also, here's another fanart by Lenacringe

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Chapter 81: Meeting As Little Children

A large fish laid flat on its side on the sea as Naruto, Nia, Yamato, Guy, Aoba, and a brown skinned man named Yusuke, looked on. It was sunset and Guy was sitting at the end of the boat, panting as he had used his strength and speed to help out the group catch the fish.

Yusuke was also sitting on the opposite of the boat and Naruto approached him, getting down on a knee.

"You finally did it, Yusuke," He smiled. "You avenged your dad."

The fisherman smiled back.

"Yeah... and it was because of you guys' help."

"Well, I honestly didn't do anything," Nia awkwardly smiled as she stood next to her boyfriend.

"Sweetheart, of course you didn't do anything. You're pregnant. Leave all this stuff to us men, ya know?" Naruto eyed the girl.

"But Naruto, I just feel bad doing nothing."

"Honestly, he's right," Yusuke said. "I wouldn't want my mission to hurt a woman, especially one who's with child."

"Well, it's actually two babies," Naruto clarified.

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