Chapter 28: Kiba's Jealousy

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A/N - Yaaaaaas! I'm making progress 😭😭😭 anyway, this chapter was supposed to be longer, but I had to cut it out for next chapter cause I gotta keep that rule I made to myself to keep chapters short so I can update quickly. That cute NaruNia flashback will have to be for next chapter lol

Also... Mature humor here so... yep 💀

Anyway please consider commenting and voting and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 28: Kiba's Jealousy

'I can't... go... to sleep,' Naruto was staring up at the ceiling with heavy eyes. 'How can I do so when Nia can be killed any moment? What if the others find her dead or something or what if they aren't able to find her at all?'

"Naruto, get some rest..." Kakashi was in the room with him, having to keep watch since he felt the blonde would find a way to free himself from the restraints and break his way out of the building and try to find Nia himself. "It really would be bad if we were to get into a brawl with the enemy and you suddenly collapse from exhaustion... calm your mind... and sleep."

"No," The genin rolled around. "I won't sleep until we find Nia and have her safely with us, Kakashi-sensei!"

The man sighed.

Naruto tried to sit up, but only flopped back down to his back due to the weight of his restraints.

"You're not helping Nia by draining your energy," Kakashi told him. "Your body needs rest, Naruto... how many times do I and everyone else has to keep reminding you?"

"Sleeping... isn't an option for me," His student continued to resist. "Now let me goooo!"

"I admire your strong love, Naruto!" Lee was also in the room with his legs in the air and doing finger pushups. "If my dear Sakura was in trouble like Nia, I would not be able to rest either!"

"But Sakura isn't the one in danger... so why're you still awake, Lee?" Kakashi sweatdropped.

"Because I am ready for a fight! I believe that Guy-sensei will find Nia and we'll have to battle whomever it was that stole her away from Naruto, my friend."

"Instead of talking, try helping me out of these things, Bushy Brows," Naruto wiggled around.

Lee continued to use his index fingers to push his body up and down as sweat dripped from his face.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot. If I do not complete the number of pushups I set myself up for right now, then  I shall have to do one-thousand sit-ups to make up for it."

Naruto groaned.

"Are you still up, Naruto?!" Kiba's voice was audible through the wall from the room next door. "Take your ass to sleep already!"

"Don't tell me what to do and I don't want you talking to me right now after that stunt you tried to pull with my sweet Nia, you backstabber!"

"Whatever man, you had it coming to you anyway. Besides, Nia will know I'm way more cooler and more handsome than you in due time, just you wait!"

"Cooler and more handsome?" Naruto rolled his eyes. "You always hate on me about every little thing! My skills, my personality, me getting closer and closer to becoming Hokage, and now me having a girlfriend! Oh, and I don't care if you think you're all that, cause I still got Nia thinking I'm the most amazing guy ever, ya know! Didn't she tell you she thinks you're trash or something anyway?"

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