Chapter 98: Water Break

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A/N - Hey guys! We're getting SUPER close to this story ending! Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 98: Water Break

Nia sat low on the couch. Naruto studied the expression she was making.

"C'mon sweetie, you gotta stop sulking about it," He told her.

"No, baby."

"You know I don't have feelings for her."

"It still bothers me that she likes you," Nia replied.

"Sweetie, you're just feeling insecure and jealous right now..."

"Why do women always try to take the guy I like? Why can't I just have him all to myself?"

"Because your hero is handsome. That's what you have to deal with when dating a good looking guy."

Nia wore a long face.

"I wish no woman except for me wanted you."

"Nia, don't be like that."

"You're lucky. You never have to compete with another guy cause no one wants me."

"I'm sure that's not true, ya know."

Nia's heart ached.

"Sweetie, why don't you feel secure in this relationship?" Naruto asked.



"I've always been like this..."


"I've always been an extremely jealous person," The girl clarified.

"But why?"

"Because ever since I was little, every time I had a crush on someone, another girl would steal him away from me or my crush always liked a different girl... I was never able to be someone's one and only. Therefore, everytime a girl likes the guy I have feelings for, I usually expect him to choose her over me because I'm used to being rejected."

"But why do you think that I'd leave you for another woman?"

"Because... they're better than me, Naruto," Nia crossed her arms.

"What makes them better than you?"

"Everything. Their looks, their body, their personality, the way they carry themselves... just everything! I can't compete with any of these women. I'm just too imperfect."

"But sweetie... you're literally-"

"I don't wanna hear it, Naruto."

"You're amazing... How do you not see that?"

"I'm not amazing... out of everyone on this planet, I have the most flaws."

"Your flaws are beautiful."

"They're unattractive. Don't lie."

Naruto sighed.

"Nia, don't be this way again. There's nothing wrong with you."


"This pregnancy is giving you major mood swings. You were doing fine just an hour ago, and now you're upset."

"I'm sure it's not the pregnancy. I really am extremely jealous."

"It's probably the pregnancy making it worse, ya know?"

Nia didn't say anything. She only adjusted her position when her contractions were making her uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" Naruto noticed this.

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