STORY DISCONTINUED | Historia descontinuada (April Fools)

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Hola a todos 👋

Tengo malas noticias para todos ustedes. Ya no me siento interesado en continuar esta historia. He terminado de escribir este fanfic y fanfics en general. Estoy agotado y ya no encuentro que este sea mi hobby. Me he mudado a cosas más grandes y mejores. Algunos de ustedes ciertamente se sentirán decepcionados, pero así es como son las cosas, desafortunadamente.

Durante los últimos meses, más o menos, he estado debatiendo si debería o no simplemente tirar la toalla. Por eso no ha habido muchas actualizaciones últimamente. Simplemente ya no tengo ganas de escribir. Es un poco triste porque recuerdo estar tan emocionado cuando comencé a escribir, y ahora ya no siento esa pasión.

Don't understand spanish? Lol, I'll retype everything in English:

I have bad news for all of you. I no longer feel interested in continuing this story. I have finished writing this fanfic and fanfics in general. I'm exhausted and I can not find this to be my hobby. I have moved to bigger and better things. Some of you will certainly be disappointed, but that is how things are, unfortunately.

Over the past few months, more or less, I have been debating whether or not I should just throw in the towel. That's why there have not been many updates lately. I just do not feel like writing anymore. It's a bit sad because I remember being so excited when I started writing, and now I do not feel that passion anymore.

I feel bored and I feel too little of you show your support or appreciation for what I write for your entertainment. There's just too many silent readers and I am fed up with it. Like, seriously... I could be doing other things, but you know what? I do this for all you people and y'all just don't care.

I'm tired of being Ms. Nice Bitch! A few of you suggested I should make a patreon, but what's the point of doing that if all ya'll broke as hell and ungrateful for the content I give you? Why should I believe ya'll would donate if you can't even hit the vote button and leave a comment on my chapters at the very least?!

And forget the contest I posted about yesterday night! Only three of you would actually participate out of the hundreds/thousands of you who read my Naruto fanfics! I'm so done with ya'll. Call me a bitch all you want, but I'm done writing this story for you guys when you can't even show your support!

If you wanna know how the story ends, read below:

If you wanna know how the story ends, read below:

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YEP! I was just messing with y'all lol. I'm not ending the story and I'm not mad at any of you 💀 The contest is still going on if enough people enter and as for the patreon thing I mentioned, people have suggested I should make one, but I doubt any of you would donate no offense 😂😂😂 correct me if I'm wrong and I would actually make one if y'all are being serious about the whole thing.

In regards to the contest, to those of you who don't know already, I'm holding a fan art contest similar to how I made one with my Gohan story a few years back.

You can submit things in like drawings, one-shots, original music, or just anything creative for a chance to have your own OC appear within future chapters if you win.

And I'm not talking about a brief cameo. That person's role will be even bigger than a character like Akihiko's — I almost wanna say they'll be a main character, second to only Naruto and Nia obviously lol.

They will be a supporting character at the very least and will have reoccurring appearances. Hell, they may get the chance to have a romance with a Naruto character if you may so wish — male or female. Don't quote me on that though lol.

So, if you'd like to know more info about the contest, head over to my recent update on my first Naruto story.

As for the next chapter, I'll be honest: I was serious about being a bit too tired and wanting to give myself a break. I'm thinking I'll take off the entirety of April to focus on other things then will resume writing again in May and post the next chapter before the fanart contest ends on May 15th.

Don't be surprised if I do end up still writing and posting at any point of time before May or even with this week lol cause I be unpredictable at times and be feeling the urge to write. Hopefully, I can calm this addiction and settle down for a month at the very least lol.

I may post random chapters on my first book, so yep.

Thanks for reading everyone and sorry for the stupid joke in the beginning! I love all my fans ❤️❤️❤️ have a great rest of your day!

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