Chapter 21: A Startling Pregnancy

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A/N - Yes! A chapter that came out within a week 💀 I take too long getting these out. Sorry.

Oh, in case some of you MHA fans missed it, I made a date or pass thing as some of y'all requested if you wanna check it out and see who I like or would go out with if they were real and legal 😅 it's on my first Naruto book. I might make a Naruto version of that.

Anyway, please comment and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 21: A Startling Pregnancy

Drip... Drip... Drip...

Drops of water slowly unstuck itself from atop a cave ceiling and splattered onto Nia's face, causing her to eventually become sensitive to it and stir until her eyes began to flutter open. The world spun in circles for her. She couldn't make out shapes nor could focus on anything really.

Her eyes had no ounce of shine in them and appeared to be lackluster, dull, and overall just as if she was soulless. She could barely think, let alone move.

Suddenly, two feet appeared in front of her, outside of the bars she was placed behind.

"You've done well, Sasuke..." The masked man Naruto had been chasing sometime ago spoke, watching as Nia was laying on her side unresponsive to almost everything. "Such an elaborate scheme you've created in order to obtain an important piece to my mastermind plan. Thanks to you, I now have her under my influence with no recollection of who she is, why she's here, and most importantly... whom she's ever interacted with."

"I thought you wanted to kill her yourself? Why make her into a mindless puppet instead?" The Uchiha questioned.

"I have my reasons... Besides... I've done her a favor. It's not like she wants to think of her past anyway. This is much better for her; just being an empty husk of her former self."

"Man, a genjutsu to erase someone's entire memory..." Suigetsu seemed rather impressed. "Is there anything you Akatsuki people can't do?"

Karin just stared at the helpless kunoichi from the background, not liking what she was sensing from her. It wasn't something frightening, but... very alarming.

'I can't believe I'm saying this, but,' She bit on her thumb as her eyes quivered slightly. 'This whole thing.... it's not right. I'm positive I sense something in her... but... it's so faint. Very incredibly faint, but still there. We shouldn't have gone along with this.'

Noticing the expression she was making, Jugo rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Karin, what's wrong?" He said in a barely audible whisper as the masked man was giving Sasuke details of his next mission.

The redhead continued to feel conflicted.

"Was... abducting her like this the right thing to... do?"

"What're you talking about? You never had a problem doing so with anyone else."

"Yeah, but... this times different... this girl is-"

"So that will be your next task: hunting down the jinchuuriki of the Eight Tails." The man who went by Madara to the group, interjected.

Sasuke didn't have much of a reaction to this.

"Fine... you said they can be located in the Hidden Cloud, right?"


The older man then allowed Nia out of her cell, commanding for her to stand up as she immediately done so.

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