Chapter 39: Naruto's Confession

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My account is: TheQueen923 (please follow)
It's a secret fanfiction of this book, just set in a high school setting. Think of it as Konoha High edition. Please make sure to follow and hit the vote button when you read the chàpters. I update every Wednesday and Saturday
Hi guys, back with another chapter (fortunately) Please remember to comment and vote and have a great rest of your day!


Chapter 39: Naruto's Confession

"I can't believe you!" Nia pushed at Naruto's chest. "Are you serious right now?!"


"No!" Tears welled up in her eyes. "How could you do something like that?! I trusted you, Naruto!"

"I... I had to do it!" Naruto attempted to justify his actions. "It was the last option left to keep you from getting killed!"

Nia wiped her tears and sniffled. Her shoulders heaved with every breath she tried to take in.

"I knew I should have made you wear a condom!" She cried into her hands. "You did me so wrong!"


The girl shook her head and turned her back to him. Naruto responded by turning her back over and cupping her tear-stained face in his hands.

"It's too dangerous for you to be having this sorta lifestyle. Stay in the Leaf and wait for me to return from missions."

"I don't wanna do that!"

"Well you have to!"


"Yes!" The blonde argued.



"No!" Nia resisted.

"Nia, this isn't some kind of joke! Your life is in danger! I can't let you keep wondering out of the village. The Akatsuki can ambush you at any point in time!"

"But what you did is unforgivable, Naruto. You switched out my birth control pills for pills that would increase my sex drive! I should've known something was up when I started feeling more and more in the mood!"

"Sweetheart," Naruto used his thumbs to wipe her tears. "I only did it cause I'm afraid to lose you. If I were to get you pregnant, you would be forced to stay within the village. I exhausted every other option. Getting you to have my baby was my last chance to ensure your survival, ya know."

"And what if I were to have been allergic to those pills, huh? Did you ever think of that?!"

Naruto pressed her head to his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for doing what I did."

"You can't just say sorry and expect me to forgive you all the time, baby," Nia lightly pushed away from him and crossed her arms. "W-What if I'm pregnant right now?! What're we going to do?! We're not ready to have a baby yet!"

"If you're pregnant, I promise to protect you and the baby with my life! I'll do everything in my power to keep you both safe and to earn enough ryo to take care of both you guys, I promise!"

"Naruto..." Nia was moved by his words.

"You know I don't go back on my word. I swear on my life, I'll do whatever it takes to care for our unborn baby, ya know!"

"A baby though?" Nia pondered for a bit, her face still tear-stained.

"Yes, a baby," Naruto rubbed her arms.

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