Chapter 54: The Last Moment

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A/N - Surprise! Another chapter update. So, I was just thinking about the long break I wanted to take but decided against it cause I couldn't imagine not writing this story for the next few months. I love it too much to let it go despite how cringey and embarrassing it be to write this lol but I know a lot of you love it so I'll be trying my best to update as much as I can.

I can't promise that I'll update every week, but I'll try to update when I can. Anyway, here's the chapter. Please comment and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 54: The Last Moment

"You need some rest, Nia," Naruto laid the girl on a futon as he pulled the sheets over her. "You're in no condition to be up and about."

"But... your friend, Sas-" Nia weakly lifted her head from the pillow.

"Don't you even worry about it. We'll be able to solve the riddle ourselves. You really just need to focus on putting your mind at ease."

"But Baby..."

"Nia," Naruto's voice became stern. "I'm serious, rest up. I'm dead serious when I say there may be a chance you could be pregnant with our baby."

"Y-You really think-"

Naruto nodded and rested a hand on her belly over the sheets.

"The symptoms you've been having are like that of a pregnant woman, right? For all we know, you could be in the beginning stages of it. Besides, lately I've noticed your belly has been getting a little bigger day by day. It could be that you're fat, but- gyah!"

Nia smacked him, but not hard enough to truly hurt him.

"Don't call me fat, Naruto! Say that again and I won't spread my legs for you anytime soon," She warned him.

"Whaaaat?! Wait, no. I take it back! I take it back! You're beautiful! You're beautiful!"

"Hmph!" The girl plopped back down to her pillow.

Naruto frowned, rubbing his slightly red cheek.

"That kinda hurt, ya know..."

"Well you can be incredibly insensitive sometimes."

"Geez, I'm sorry, okay?"

Nia's face softened.

"Just... think a bit more before you blurt things out. That mouth of yours can get you into some real trouble."

"Yeah... I get it, I get it."

"Anyways, you really should let me take a peek at that riddle you're hiding from me."

"No way. You're not looking at anything in your condition."

Nia slowly sat up.

"Oh, c'mon, baby. Let me take a look. It's the whole reason I was sent on this mission."

"But sweetie, you're not feeling well."

"That doesn't- ah!" Nia squeezed her eyes shut as her head throbbed.

"Nia!" Naruto worriedly placed his hands on her shoulders.

"M-My head... It hurts."

The genin quickly rested his hand on her forehead.

"You're burning up! You need to hurry and lie down."

Nia heavily panted as Naruto laid her down again, softly placing her head onto the pillow. Next to him was a cold bucket of water with a rag in it. He took that rag and wringed it, next folding it and resting it across the girl's forehead.

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