Chapter 51: Always Be Together

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A/N - Hey guys! I managed to squeeze out another chapter! Hopefully, I can keep this up, otherwise I might have to post once every 2-3 weeks. That would be terrible, so I really hope not, but I'm trying to make this work with my schedule and other personal things going on in my life.

Anyway, let me stop rambling! Please comment and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 51: Always Be Together

"Nia, I'm scared," Naruto held onto the girl as they were against a tree in the middle of the night while Sakura was sleeping near the fire they made. "You should be in the village."

"Naruto, you need to understand that I'm doing just fine, baby," She told him. "Quit being so scared. Nothing is going to happen to me."

"But Nia," The genin pressed her head to his chest. "I can't take it. I just want you to be safe."

"And as long as you are with me right now, I am."

"Nia..." He whimpered.

"Haah..." The girl sighed. "I'm safe, honey, I'm safe."

Naruto kissed the top of her head.

"Just stick close to me, okay?"

"I promise to do just that."

"Even when you go to the bathroom, I'm going with you."

"That's a little much, but fine if that helps you to calm down..." Nia lightly pushed away from the blond. "Now then, let's try and get some sleep so we can have the energy we need for tomorrow, okay?"

Naruto pouted.

"Nia, I sorta feel like you're not taking my fear seriously."

"It's not that I don't take it seriously, it's just that I know I'm not in danger and that you're just being quite overprotective."

"I am not."

"Yeah you are."

"No I'm not," Naruto disagreed.

"Naruto, you are overprotective."

"No I'm not, sweetie."

"Yes you are, honeybun. You don't think following me to the bathroom is being overly protective?" She questioned.

The blond opened his mouth, but no words came out from it. He bit his tongue.

"That's what I thought," Nia then kissed his cheek. "Now seriously, I'm tired. Let's get some rest."

The genin continued to pout.

"I love you, Nia," He whimpered. "I'm scared to lose you..."

"You're not going to lose me," Nia wrapped her arms around his neck. "There's no need for you to be so afraid."

"Sweetheart..." Naruto held onto her. "I'm serious... I don't know what I'd do without you... I care for you so much."

"And I care for you too. No one is going to drive us apart."

"My sweetheart," He squeezed her and rested his cheek atop her head. "I just... love you so much, ya know? You mean the absolute world to me."

"Baby..." This made the girl give in to his embrace.

"You're absolutely beautiful, Nia. So beautiful..."

Nia's heart thudded in her chest.

"I just want you to stay in my arms and rely on me to protect you; to hold you, sweetheart."

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