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Hey everyone! Before I start, I'd like to say THANK YOU for getting this story 80,000 reads and LIY over 400,000 READS!

Ik that you guys would prefer to have another chapter released instead of me posting this, but I felt now was a good time to maybe... reveal who I am soon. I thought I'd owe you guys this since you guys literally made my stories as successful and popular as you did. It's been a long time coming.

The reason I've never showed my face was because i've been scared. Throughout my life, i've been like Nia — bullied and made fun of for how I look. In high school, i'm sure my classmates and stuff were able to realize I had been making Fanfiction somehow bc I remember how they would gossip about me and say a lot of mean stuff about me and honestly, it had made me really sad and want to lash back at them, so I did.

However, that just made things worse. Though, I gotta admit, when they found my naruto fanfic in 2017, that shit blew tf up lol so it was bittersweet ig lol. At the same time, it made me feel afraid to show my face on here cause I was scared of everyone's judgment.

I was scared they would think I'm nasty for writing the lemons I have, I was afraid everyone would think I'm crazy, I was afraid of being made fun of for my love of Fanfiction and anime. I was also scared y'all would think I'm ugly and fat too so I didn't wanna reveal myself.

However, i've realized that if I was to ever publish The Loser's Hero, I would HAVE to show my face eventually and everyone will know I'm the girl who writes the cringey naruto fanfiction 😩 and ever since hs ended, I've been building up my confidence for the day I'd do this.

I thought I'd make a video of me answering you guys' questions about my naruto fanfiction and posting it on my youtube account. Keep in mind, I'm very awkward and stutter a lot cause I need braces, but I'll do the best I can for you all. Also I'll be recording on my phone so the video quality will also be trash lol

SO! If there's enough questions and if you guys would like me to do a face reveal for the celebration of 400k & 80k reads, comment all your questions down below and I'll try to answer as many of them as I can.

And also if you wanna ask me questions about me in general so you can get to know me, you can lol

So ya, comment as many questions as you want in the comments below 😊 (who knows, the video could come out as early as today)


Hey guys, so the video didn't turn out as expected so I decided that instead of doing a video face reveal, I do a pic reveal. However, I will be doing the Q&A first so here I go. I'll probably get clowned by people in my area for this post, but I need to just do this to build up my confidence and to help some of you guys realize that you shouldn't care what others think of you. Yeah, for a while, I was scared and embarrassed about others knowing what I wrote and who I am and that I'm a total anime weev, but you know what? WHO CARES!


So I hope me revealing myself will help others feel confident enough to show others who's the brilliant writer for their stories.

To start things off, my real name is not Janae. Janae is my middle name. My actual name is... Tania. YES! I have the same name as the oc in my Gohan story. I also live in the USA so that's all I'll say regarding that.

So, the QUESTIONS! These were all asked by you guys yesterday whether it was in the comment section, on ig, or on private message on here.

1. If you were Naruto, who would you want as a sibling?

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